Chapter Two - Peperoni Pizza Scarf

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"I think you've made me infertile."

Seb is sat opposite me at the table with an icepack sat on his crowned jewels, narrowing his eyes at me in an accusatory fashion. I shoot him an apologetic half grin, but I don't think it'll offer much condolence. Really, he should be thanking me – Seb, Bardo's resident Casanova, could do without the ability to get his long string of amorous exchanges pregnant.

Now, don't assume that makes Sebastian Walker a cocky, arrogant playboy. Well, he is, but he's nice with it. His personality is exceptional - he's kind and genuine and honest - and frankly, I think that's why so many girls fall in love with him, completely head over heels. No doubt his looks help; tall, dark and handsome with a panty dropping smile to match. I'm immune to all of these qualities of course. Seb is practically my brother, on top of the other four siblings I have.

"I've told you before, just don't get involved." Alena says, pushing her tuna salad lazily around her plate, not bothering to hide the grimace that plagues her expression.

Seb scoffs, shooting me another narrowed eyed glare. "I had to – I really thought she was going to kill him this time Lena."

I grin through my mouthful of pizza. "I was." I splutter out, ignoring the distasteful look from Alena. Of course, as a renowned germaphobe, I expect nothing less in response to my impoliteness. I swallow and mumble a quick apology, earning a grin in return. "He deserved it though." I try to assure her but her expression in response is dubious. That excuse she has heard plenty of times before and each time, like the last, she assumes I'm being dramatic.

Shaking her head, Alena returns to engaging in conversation with Collins who sits opposite her. Once more, she's fluttering her lashes, twirling her ebony hair around her fingers and giggling at every other thing he says. Seb and I throw one another a knowing glance and extract ourselves from the conversation.

Neither of us can understand how Owen can be so blind to Alena's insatiable flirting. Maybe it would help if she actually openly admitted these feelings she's harboured for a year, but our wallflower seizes up every time its suggested, so it'll be down to Collins to make the first move. He will, eventually. He clearly likes Alena; seen in the way he grins when she giggles, or flushes red when she smiles at him, and even how he taught himself simple phrases in Filipino to greet her parents when we all end up around hers for dinner, simply to impress her. Not to mention she is ridiculously gorgeous, and humble with it too.

All that said, both Seb and I agree that their relationship must start organically, and me and my big mouth getting involved will probably do little to help their blossoming love. But hell, if they'd just get on with it already!

Owen Collins hasn't attended St Bardo's for long. He transferred last year to join our sixth form and since then, Lena has been besotted. I'd be lying if I said I didn't understand why. He's attractive, in that boy-next-door sort of way. A mop of messy blonde hair, face scattered with freckles and a casual, approachable aura that hangs around him. He plays cricket, soon to be professionally I'd bet, and honestly, the amount of rainy days that Lena has dragged me to the bleachers to watch him play, I cannot count. It's a mystery as to how he remains so blissfully ignorant.

"Oh!" Alena exclaims, pointing what I'm sure is an accusatory finger in my direction. With a pizza slice hanging from my mouth, I freeze. "Party, Halloween weekend; we need to outfit shop."

I roll my eyes and tear the pizza from my mouth with force. "It's not even October yet, we've got time." She gasps, slapping a melodramatic hand to her chest, her eyes wide with shock.

"Not if we want a good costume!" She cries. I roll my eyes and take another bite. We love Halloween, my friends and I. It's certainly our favourite annual party and never once have we missed it, but planning seems to get earlier each year.

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