Chapter Four - Clothes 100% Off

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"That's super toxic. Like, psychologically toxic behaviour. He's trying to get into your head. Burn it." Nat says down the phone, her voice reverberating off of the four walls of my bedroom, so loud it's almost as if she's right here with me, lecturing me for what I'm sure has been an hour.

After getting over my initial trauma of the 'return of the belongings' incident, and following the hour and a half where I shamelessly cuddled on to an inanimate object trying to understand what sort of game he is playing, I speed dialled my two girlfriend in the hope that they can give me some direction on how to deal with this. Seemingly, I forgot that these two are practically Jekyll and Hyde; polar opposites in looks and personalities.

"Maybe you should call him and see what he has to say. There might be a reason; maybe he wants to apologise." Alena suggests more timidly than our other friend. Neither of them are forceful, they'll support me no matter what, but while Nat would try to smack delirium out of you, Alena would prefer to just encourage you with a supportive smile. I sigh, sweeping a second coat of polish over my fingernails, nodding subconsciously at the voices that escape the speakers of my phone that lays beside me.

"Absolutely not. He had his chance to apologise. Besides, if he wasn't such a humongous prick, he'd have nothing to apologise for! You do not message him; you do not call him." Natalie retorts, her voice menacing. I sigh again, knowing that she's absolutely right. But Alena's suggestion is just so tempting, and what better way to initiate conversation than calling about his jumper that accidentally ended up in my possession.

"Chaps, I don't like Adam, but maybe an apology will help you get some closure." She's hardly finished talking before Nat is interjecting.

"I am telling you, any contact regarding this will just prove to him that you're still caught up. He'll know he's found his way under your skin and all this work you've done getting over him for the past four months will be completely for nothing. Chaps, you're not stupid. You know that." Natalie says. I groan, knowing she's boxed me in. She's completely right in what she's saying.

"You're right Nat. I'll leave it." I hear a humph of satisfaction from the phone and can't help but grin at her childish tendencies. "He just couldn't have picked a better day." I find myself mumbling.

"Why, what happened?" She asks.

Alena laughs and answers for me. "Hendrix, what else?" The pair chuckle as a frown finds my lips. Alena proceeds to explain the happenings of my rather eventful Monday. "After Hendrix doused her in smoothie, Chaps did what Chaps does best and went full murder mode on him. So of course, after a full blown fist fight in the cafeteria, the both of them got a weeks' worth of detention."

Nat laughs obnoxiously, then turns her conversation to me. "I thought after all this time, the two of you would've just fucked and got it over with. The sexual tension is suffocating." My scowl deepens as I shoot a nasty glare at the phone, as if Nat will feel the burn on her side of the line.

"Natalie. There is no sexual tension involved. This is simply a man and a woman who hate each other so much, we swear to be nemesis till death parts us." I claim haughtily.

They don't seem convinced, erupting into a crescendo of groans and scoffs, but I ignore them. "She slapped him with pizza after he complimented her boobs." Alena proceeds to inform, triggering a bark of laughter from Natalie. I scrunch my nose up at the pair of them and their insolence.

"Yes well, when you're both done laughing at my expense, perhaps you'll help explain how I'm going to survive the next twelve weeks." I continue then to explain the ultimatum Elijah and I received from the principle and Mrs Ford, and how it involves a robotic baby that will monitor our behaviour. How quickly it's demands are met, how careful we are, if we rock it and soothe it. Basically, by use of a point system, it records our abilities in parenthood. Of course, our grades rely too on the essay and report, but that doesn't mean I'm any less stressed.

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