Chapter Twenty Nine - Honeymoon In Hell

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More than ever, I completely understand why Collins and Lena kept their relationship secret.

Now, don't get excited; Hendrix and I aren't in a relationship, but after a little more kissing and getting absolutely no project work done, we decided that we'd continue to see how we felt in private, behind closed doors so to speak, to make sure that this isn't just a phase.

At the end of the day, it makes sense. Elijah and I have been enemies for years. And that's not an exaggeration. Literally years. Nine weeks of close contact has suddenly turned us into horny creatures, and I need to make sure that I'm not going to snap his neck at the first given moment, because I don't think my mugshot would look all that good on national news next to the headline 'Insane girlfriend kills boyfriend in argument over cereal'.

So, until we're completely, unequivocally sure, we're continuing in secret. It's sort of like a test, you know, to make sure we work before we announce it to everyone.

We're going to get to know each other properly, practice not falling out over the most stupid, trivial shit, and frankly, Hendrix could use some lessons in etiquette when it comes to a relationship, because his track record isn't all that great. I don't plan to be one of his little one time flings and the quicker he gets that through his thick skull, the better.

And I mean, come on, this is high school. As soon as people see that the two arch enemies of St Bardos are suddenly sticking their tongues down each others throats, it'll certainly introduce us to a plethora of questions, and more so, miserable fans that will miss our regular grapples in the cafeteria.

We're not pretending to hate each other though, for fear that we might fall too deep into the improv and actually return to hating each other. We're just going about our daily business. Today, we're spending our free period sat together at a table in the common area, starting on the project we were meant to start last night.

His kissing and his aunties food distracted me.

We've made quite the start, talking about how we divided responsibilities, where we struggled, where we excelled. We're planning to incorporate our itinerary to show how we were seriously invested in the parental role, but of course, much to my dismay, we will have to mention how I literally could not cope on my own.

"That sentence doesn't make sense." Elijah says, pointing to a place on my laptop screen. I furrow my brows, reading it again.

"Yes it does." He looks at me dubiously. I roll my eyes and push the screen towards him. "Read it again." He edges closer, placing a hand on my thigh as he does so, pulling a smirk to his face. "I don't think that belongs there mister." I tell him.

He turns to me, that twinkle in his eyes. "Oh really? It seems pretty comfortable." He says, squeezing me slightly. As lovely as it does feel, it's neither the time, nor the place.

"Hands off champ. I'm not one of your flooze's that you can feel up in school." I push his hand off me though I'm still grinning.

"Can I feel you up later?" He asks me. I scoff and edge away.

"How pent up are you? Did our entire conversation last night just sail completely over your head?" I nearly snap at him. He sucks his bottom lip into his mouth innocently, which I try not to smile at.

"You're right, I'm sorry." He mumbles and I grin when I see him sit on his hands as if to maintain control. "But just for the record, I'm very pent up." He adds. I look at him with a raised brow.

"Is that so?" I ask.

"Mhm. Been just me and my good old right hand since I kissed you at the party." He tells me. I grimace but can't ignore the warmth in my chest.

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