Chapter Ten - Non Curriculum Practical Biology

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A/N: happy pancake day. As the best holiday of the year, I feel the need to upload twice today. Enjoy💕

"So, how was your weekend guys?" Miss Hardy asks, her eyes flirting across from me, to Hendrix, then back again. Neither of us make the first move to answer her. "Come on, you must've done something." She urges.

The silence dwells on. Miss Hardy furrows her brows at the pair of us and with a sigh, she decides to proceed. "I've heard you have a project together. How are you feeling about that?"

I let my eyes graze right over Elijah's relaxed posture, he's eyes dropping as he inhales dramatically. He looks about ready to fall asleep and to that, I almost smile. He apparently thinks this is about as pointless as I do.

"Charlotte," I lift my eyes to meet our counsellors. "You're being awful quiet today. Is there something bothering you?" She probes.

"Nothing Miss. I just don't have anything to talk about." I tell her plainly.

"The idea of these sessions are for the pair of you to communicate and talk about your issues." She informs me. To that, my posture stiffens and I sit upright.

"So why ask about the weekend? The weekend has no relevance. There are no issues from the weekend." Beside me, Elijah glances at me with a raised brow, cynical about my rather emphatic outburst. I've tried to maintain the cool façade, but I'm doing a terrible job.

He doesn't seem at all bothered about the events of this weekend, but I feel awful about them. Nauseous at the mere thought actually. The fact he and I spent nearly all of our night together. The fact we actually laughed together. And the fact he might've had to carry me bridal style out of the house and into a taxi when I blacked out. Judge me on my inability to handle intoxication later - right now, the problem is him.

He should've left me. At the very least, sharpie'd a moustache on my face along with a bifocal. But no - he had to be all gentlemanly and make sure I got home safe and with a face void of marker pen.

Perhaps he can pretend that's insignificant, but to me it isn't. I should say thank you. I mean, that's what polite people do, and I would usually, but it's Hendrix. I'm completely indebted to him for more reasons than one, because I haven't forgotten how he protected me from the searching eyes of Adam either.

"Charlotte?" Miss Harry's voice pulls me free from my thoughts, allowing me to unclench the muscles in my jaw and unravel my knitted brows. "Are you sure everything is okay?"

"Positive." I say when I stand. "I've got to go. School work to do, people to avoid. See ya." I hurry out of the room before she can utter a word and as I walk down the corridor without being chased I can think of only one thing.

Normality. This is more like it.

No more Mr Nice Hendrix with his innocently good intentions. He is a wolf in sheep's clothing and I intend to keep him that way.


"There wasn't enough boob-age last year. I'm definitely behind the vote for more boob." Nat tells us as we casually rifle through the racks of Halloween costumes in the party store.

It's Wednesday and now, with completely freedom from the shackles of detention, and my mother going absolutely metal with getting prepared for the baby, I'm more than happy to be searching for our Halloween outfits. After all, it is my favourite holiday of the year; more so when I get to spend it with my favourite people.

The three of us have always dressed the same, sort of like a scary/slutty assemblage. Usually, my suggestions are outvoted yearly, considering I steer more towards the scare factor than the wow factor which both Nat and Lena shun me for, but this year, the pair seem to be taking my opinion into consideration. That is, until Nat votes for more boob-age.

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