Chapter Eight - Unrequested Threesome

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"Okay, call me Mother Teresa, but I'm putting my needs on hold to get you laid tonight." Nat declares as she twirls the last curl of my hair around her finger, holding it slightly so it can cool and set its shape before dropping it with a grin.

"Mother Teresa was a nun," Alena reminds her, swiping her lips with a soft nude gloss. "You, most certainly are not."

Natalie grunts and sprits a setting spray over her face, inspecting all angles in my mirror. "Lets not focus on the specifics. Point is, I'm putting my child, Charlotte Osborne, before my own demanding needs. Currently, it's much more vital that she be the one to reach the peak of euphoria."

I grimace at her, shimmying into the black bodycon dress, careful that the straps of my bra aren't on show. "The peak of euphoria?" I echo in disgust. "Sounds like something out of a budget Shakespeare play." I tell her.

She bats a hand, knocking away my jibe. "Some say I am the Shakespeare of this century." She tells me.

"You just said you're Mother Teresa." Alena laughs. Nat frowns, repositioning the grip clips in her blonde hair for what I'm sure is the millionth time.

"And you just said she was celibate. Catch up Garc." I can't help but laugh as I watch her cup her boobs and mould them beneath her dress which is more holes than fabric. I so wish I had her confidence, but I certainly couldn't carry it off as well as she does.

I hear Ezra's voice call out from across the hall, telling us to hurry up. The three of us shout back that we're almost ready, quickly gathering our clutches and the bags of alcohol that sit on my bed. Nat dares another look in the mirror, checking out her rear as she always does before a party.

As we begin to the door, I hurry to the front, turning to face both of my friends. "Now remember. Ezra is an emotional mess. So topics of conversation in the car should steer clear of relationships, sex, weight gain, and other related subjects to the ever continuing pain of heartbreak." The two of them nod in understanding and we funnel out of my bedroom, not before I cast a final glace at my room which has once more returned to the equivalent of a shit hole.

Upon seeing me, Ezra shakes his head. "Mother is going to have a fit." He sighs, looking me up and down judgementally.

"Mother bought be the dress." I retort snidely, hopping down the stairs. Ezra, being the kind older brother he is, offered to drive my friends and I to Seb's house, after some rather violent convincing.

He's got no bruises though, so it's negligible. "How are you two; haven't see you for a while." He asks the girls.

Alena seems to seize up, no doubt concerned with the open ended conversation. She's a terrible overthinker and I can already see her having a fit at the chance she'll mention Ezra and his ex-girlfriend. Thankfully, Nat takes charge.

"We're good! How's Uni?"

"I've deferred a year," he explains casually. "Chaps says you're doing hairdressing?"

"Yeah, I'm doing an apprenticeship. It's looking good though, the woman said she'll be happy to rent me a chair once I've completed it!" She informs him gleefully.

The conversation proceeds much like that, bottles of cider opened as complementary travelling drinks. When Nat finishes her second before arrival, I get the feeling that Mother Teresa will be out for the count in an hour.

As we expect, Seb's house is the scene of a party as we pull up. We thank Ezra and head inside, not before I get the very quick big brother lecture about how I need to respect my body and if there's no glove, there's no love. Aside from now feeling violently ill, I'm uncontrollably excited.

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