Chapter Thirty - Big Brother Bodyguards

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Having Lena back is just the best. Well, so I thought, until she spent her every breathing moment about how god awful the weather is here compared to back home. A comment which didn't best please Collins, less so me when she corrected herself, saying that home is wherever he is.

Jesus, if Hendrix ever pulled that shit on me, I'd punch him straight in the face.

For the past week, no one has suspected anything. We've been going about our business, maintaining a healthy hybrid of spending time in school together and apart, ensuring that we're not always entirely nice to one another, though I can't say that our spats are exactly forced. As much as I like him, and as much as I'm becoming very content with kissing him whenever I want, he still does my fucking head in.

I've spent many of my evenings at his house, for the kisses and the food, and Tanya is just a doll. Honestly, she's so nice. Offering to take me shopping, telling me how Hendrix was when he was a little shit of a nephew running around naked because he hated the feeling of pants. She's just fantastic. What's better, I love to see Hendrix embarrassed.

My constant absence from home hasn't gone unnoticed though. Both Oli and Ezra have questioned me on multiple occasions and each time I've blown them off. I might think they're both stupid, but they're certainly not ignorant. They know that a written project doesn't require me to visit Hendrix every evening after school for four or five hours at a time. They're like hawks; nothing gets past them.

So, more to save myself the questions, I've decided to come clean about Hendrix with my brothers following the quick and brief discussion with my parents, which went about as well as I expected. When I had told them Hendrix and I were dating, my mum went absolutely nutty, taking about how wonderful it was and my father, well, he decided I needed a reminder on the benefits on contraception.

If you think that's bad, I reckon question time with my brothers will be far worse. For Elijah - I plan on making myself scarce as soon as I drop the bomb.

Besides, it's his birthday tomorrow and if they find out that I've gone out on a date with him and not mentioned anything, I'll definitely be shunned until Christmas. Which really, I'm not entirely sure is all that terrible. Why did I think this is a good idea again?

"Wolly, Ezzy, come in here a minute?" I ask. I'm sat on the sofa, wringing my hands, sweating profusely. I just thank god that Ben isn't here right now. He is twice as scary as these two.

My brothers have always been protective of me, what with me being the youngest. Introducing them to Adam was perhaps the scariest moment of my life. However, I was only fifteen when we started dating so they deemed it all sorts of wrong, claiming that I wasn't even old enough to know what a relationship consists of. I'm still scarred from the conversation. You know, getting the birds and the bees talk from my brothers certainly wasn't something I'd ever asked for.

I'm older now, which is a point in my favour, but considering Adam turned out to be a cheat that broke my heart, I have a suspicious feeling that tomorrow, they're going to go twice as hard on Hendrix, more so considering that me and Hendrix have sort of hated each other to death for the past ten years.

Might not have been a brilliant idea, in hindsight.

"What's up Diabla?" Oli asks as he walking in with a can of beer in one hand, a cake roll in the other. I'm convinced that all this boy does is drink and eat shit.

"I need you to both sit." I tell them. Their expressions harden. It's almost like they have a radar. They just know when a conversation is serious and like most, they instantly assume the worst.

"Charlotte Esme Osborne if you're going to tell me that you've got a bun in the oven, I swear I'm going to flip my shit." Oli begins, placing down his comfort foods and scowling at me, cracking his knuckles for effect.

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