Chapter Sixteen - Hands Off Pal

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"Oh, Diabla!"

Never have I moved so fast. In one fluid movement, I'm diving off of the bed, sending Hendrix flying in the process as I scramble past him, then I'm all but falling down the stairs and skidding towards our front door where my rather tanned, long haired, grinning brother is standing. "Wolly!" I screech, throwing myself at him to the point he stumbles, clutching at Ezra's shirt for stability.

"Jesus Chaps, get off me, you fat lard!" He gasps out as I squeeze him within an inch of his life, my arms wrapped around his neck and my legs like a vice around his waist. He hugs me back though, spinning me round till the pair of us are dizzy. "Missed you." He muses before letting me go, ruffling my hair as I find my feet. I can't knock the smile off of my face. I knew Oli was coming home, but I hadn't expected it to be today. And who could blame me for being this excited? It's been months since I've last seen him, nearly half a year.

"Oh, so you just forget about me now?" Ezra says grumpily, throwing his car keys on to the counter top.

I scowl at him. "We're still not friends since you left me stranded at the he-devils house with his screaming child." He shrugs, unbothered.

"Well, my redemption is bringing your second favourite brother home from the airport." He tells me. I feign shock, placing a melodramatic hand to my chest.

"I don't have favourites!" I exclaim. The pair of them hum a chorus of 'we know', all the while Oli stands a foot behind Ezra, theatrically pointing to himself. I nod and with a series of facial expressions, assure him that he's my favourite.

He's not, obviously, just the most fun. The devil on my shoulder.

"What have you done to your hand?" Ezra suddenly asks, taking my hand rather roughly in his, causing me to wince slightly. His worried expression doesn't bother me though and I break out grinning.

"I punched Adam in the face!" I gleam. Ezra looks at me dead-pan while Oli cheers and gives me a high-five. See, the most fun. Upon probing for an explanation, I groan before informing them, rather loosely, that he'd turned up at school and totally, undoubtably, asked for it. "Don't worry, I sorted it." I assure them with a sincere nod of my head, fisting my unwrapped hand in gesture.

"Seems so," Ezra sighs, turning my hand over to inspect it. "How hard are you punching to fracture two knuckles?" He asks with a scolding tut.

"Clearly not hard enough!" Oli adds from the kitchen where already, he is making himself more than at home, throwing three pizzas in the oven. I imagine, all probably for him. "If you don't break at least three, then what's the point?" He spins round with a wide grin. "Did you break his nose? Oh, tell me you broke his nose Diabla."

I can't help but laugh, more so at Ezra's disapproving expression. Within a heartbeat though, it's overthrown by amusement as his eyes skim the area at the foot of the stairs. I turn to see Hendrix stood there rather nonchalantly, his arms folded as he rests against the wall. "Hello Hendrix, is it?" Ezra asks. He casts a suggestive glance at me, and I frown at him. Mental note to never seek out Ezra's advice when it comes to settling differences with an enemy. Hendrix nods and takes a couple steps towards him. "You were with her?" Ezra asks him, holding my hand high so he knows what the topic of conversation is.

"I was. Took her to get it wrapped. It was a good punch." Elijah tells my brother. I can't help beaming in satisfaction.

"Who's this?" Oliver's voice asks from behind me. I spin around the see him with a can of lager in his hand, leaning against the archway as he looks between Ezra, Hendrix and I for an explanation.

"Hendrix, Oli. Oli, Hendrix." I introduce. Oli grins then, looking Elijah up and down.

"I know you! The enemy guy. Honestly, Diabla used to bitch about you so much!" He chortles. Hendrix looks at me, amused, with a raised brow.

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