Chapter Thirty Four - A Smooth(ie) Story

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Christmas eve comes around quicker than I can even comprehend. The temperature drops and the snow falls and contrary to popular belief, it doesn't dampen my mood in the slightest. In fact, I'm still quite exuberant, and I reckon I have every reason to be. My brothers are home, Aria is healthy, my parents are brilliant, my friends are happy, and Hendrix is quite frankly the best not-yet-boyfriend I could ask for.

Considering the fact my Christmas will be a day of complete chaos what with the full family and Hendrix's too, he and I decide to spend today in the calmness of his house rather than mine.

As always, we're laid out on his bed, me between Hendrix's legs, back against his chest as he runs his hands languidly through my hair, twirling strands between his fingers. Both our eyes on the TV in front which displays Friends as it so often does, though today, I'm scrolling through social media with a frown on my face. Even Chandler and his sarcasm couldn't crack a smile out of me today.

"Look;" I say, lifting my phone slightly so that he can see the picture I'm showing him. "Collins and Lena are spending today together. She's going to his tomorrow for Christmas too. As his girlfriend."

Hendrix simply hums and I can practically sense his attention being diverted back to the television. I huff and angrily like the picture before continuing to scroll.

"Look Hendrix." I say again, turning my body and showing him the phone again. He looks at me with a patient expression – he never likes it when I interrupt his daily dose of Jennifer Anniston – and then at the phone. "Nat is celebrating today with Addie, her girlfriend. With her being Polish, she does her Christmas day on the eve. How nice that she's met the family as her official girlfriend."

He smiles at me and once more, I lose his attention. "I just think it's nice, you know. Spending the holidays with your other half. And to think, Nat with her commitment issues has a girlfriend and Lena, crushing on the boy for a whole year and now he's finally her boyfriend." I continue through gritted teeth.

Elijah pats me twice on the head, like a fucking dog or something. "Baby, shush, we're about to see if Phoebe says yes to Mike's proposal." He says softly.

I pull myself from his grasp, entirely livid. "You've seen this show a thousand times Hendrix!" I snap at him, smacking him with a pillow to which he flinches in shock. "She bloody says yes and for the record, I'd say the same to you!" I practically yell.

He scrunches his face up at me and watches me carefully as I scowl and try to calm my heaving chest. "Are you wanting me to ask you to marry me?" He says slowly.

I groan and wave my hands about in exasperation. "No Hendrix, I don't want you to propose." I speak the words as if they're venomous. "Besides, we're still yet to mark off the first milestone." I snap.

"Okay," he says in a drawl, shuffling himself so he's sat upright. "Have you had a conversation with me while I was asleep again because I really don't know what you're talking about." He tells me plainly.

I groan again and smack him once more with the pillow for good measure. "Why haven't you asked me to be your girlfriend?" I inquire with intended bitterness. "I mean, we've only been dating for months, our families know about us, so do our friends and even the bloody principle who I had to talk out of getting us a congratulations card –" I groan again in frustration, more so at the uncomfortable memory, "I've been really patient Hendrix and I don't want to be pushy but I mean, come on, I feel more like a sex toy at the minute!"

His lips twitch and just the simple reaction nearly makes me combust into flames as anger consumes me. "Well, two things." He begins. "I don't cuddle with my sex toys." I lift my fist to sock him a punch, but he grabs a hold of my hand and grins. "Punch me in a second. Let me just get the second reason."

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