Bonus Chapter

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Hey! So, tomorrow is my birthday, and I decided to drop a bonus chapter for the occasion. 💕
The best gift this year has been the engagement and support I have received from every single reader, and so I think you deserve a special gift of appreciation. Therefore, enjoy! (and stick about till the end, because I have an important question to ask you!)


There is a tranquillity in spending the very height of the day clad in a bikini, laid out on a beach towel with an ever so gentle breeze to cool you, accompanied by the subtle salty mist that lifts from the lapping waves, tingling the skin of your body which has been soaked a shimmering bronze by the benevolent sun that hangs in the air like a golden pendulum, unrelenting even despite the occasional passing cloud.

Naturally, even just the thought has me sighing in contentment, running the palm of my hand across the grainy sand beside me which has warmed too. I can't much imagine a greater place to be than on the island of Fuerteventura, surrounded by my favourite people as a post nineteenth celebration. That's how I like to think of it anyway, but in reality, it's simply a friend vacation to mark the end of our first year venturing into adulthood.

It has been arranged for well over a year, and, naturally, Alena has been counting down the days, hours and minutes with the help of an app on her phone, badgering us incessantly with reminders, pointless matters of discussion that there was no concern for at the time, and outfit arrangements for every hour of our travels. Eventually, I put a sock in her mouth and allowed for Nat and me a minutes quite time. Literally. But it only lasted thirty seconds.

"Lottie?" I don't bother opening my eyes, though I'm bugged slightly by the shadow that has been cast over me by my boyfriend – whom only bothers me when he wants attention or for me to fetch him an ice cream because apparently the sand is 'too hot to walk on'.

I merely lift an eyebrow and tilt my head back slightly, a gesture of acknowledgement. "Lijah?" I say, preparing to prop myself on my elbows, only to be discouraged by the tsunami level wave of water that is doused upon me, eliciting a sharp gasp of surprise – in which I inhale far too much water and fish urine than I care to admit.

The water is warm, a silver lining I suppose, but I expect that from the bark of laughter than comes from Hendrix quick followed by a chorus from Seb, Collins and Jack, I must look quite the picture. I throw off my sunglasses, their lenses stained with watermarks and stand slowly, glaring at the boy who grins widely, halfway down the beach as to gain a head start.

From beside me, Nat pries open an eye and arcs an eyebrow, her amusement exposed only by the slight tug of her lips. "Can you go kill him over there please? I was almost asleep." She slumps down and covers her eyes with a lazy arm. Before I begin on my pursuit, I pick up the sun cream and toss it on to her abdomen.

"Sun cream." I remind, baring notice to her violently red shoulders, and she lifts a half-hearted thumbs up of acknowledgement. My attention then turns to him, who stands still, awaiting attack. "You. Here." I gesture with my index finger, pursing my lips when he shakes his head in refusal.

"Or what?" He jibes.

I guffaw and with theatrical footsteps as to avoid the burning of my feet, I begin my way towards him. "You best hope I don't catch you Hendrix." I yell at him, wringing my hair as I do so.

He cocks a shoulder in nonchalance, slowly stepping backwards towards the water. I run towards him, and just as I think he will spin and dart away in fear, he too runs towards me, tackling me in my stomach and swiftly lifting me on to his shoulder with no hesitation. For a moment, I'm perplexed, suddenly convinced that he has practiced this move with Seb as to render it so perfect. "You alright babe?" He takes off in a slow stroll, smacking my arse with a firm hand, jolting my body from the impact.

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