Bonus Chapter #3 (+18)

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Happy birthday to me!

As per tradition, here is a little bonus update to celebrate my 21st! (We'll ignore the fact I've been sloppy as fuck with updates the past few weeks and just smile and nod)

So I was pretty stuck on what to write, and so I've been traipsing through the comments on this book seen as I just can't let these guys go, and realised the general consensus is that I 'robbed' you.
Now, I've had some practice writing smut scenes since this was officially concluded, and seen as Lottie and Lijah have aged somewhat in the last few bonus chapters, I feel a lot less weird writing them in a sex scene.

And that's what this is. A pointless, sex filled bonus chapter. So I believe the warning goes here: mature audience warning. Not suitable for readers under 18.

enjoy, Aimee x


Charlotte Osborne

"What do you think Gippeto?" I stand before the fishbowl, palms ironing the non existent creases of the dress that sticks to my frame, stretched against every curve. The curves that have filled out slightly, a reward for the surplus calories Elijah and I have been indulging in. Alcohol, takeaways, general laziness now that we have come to agree that we're no longer in the stage of our relationship where there is a constant need to impress one another.

I don't particularly hate the additional weight. It's filled out my tits which Elijah has come to welcome with a giant grin. It's padded out my arse which Elijah also seems to appreciate, if his constant fondling of it is any indication. He's constantly gripping my hips and forcing me over furniture so he can fake hump me like a dog in heat, constantly biting my thighs when we're cuddling, and has found comfort in using my softened stomach as a pillow when we watch TV.

No, I didn't hate the additional weight at all, until I tried to squeeze into this dress and almost bust the seams, zip, and nearly suffocated. I'm waiting for Gippeto to tell me I'm being ridiculous and I'm still as hot as ever, but the fish simply does two laps of his little castle and stares at me with the big bog eyes of his.

"I knew I should have got a parrot." I grumble.

His mouth opens. Closes. He laps his castle again, and then enters it. Definitely my son; I'm sure if he had the capacity to slam the door behind him, he would have.

I use my hands to fan my face, hoping to rid of the slight perspiration that has settled among my upper lip and forehead. I'm not even sure why I'm nervous. Lijah and I have been together for so long now, we're more comfortable with each other than we've ever been before, but today feels different. Different like I definitely need to apply more deodorant.

See, Lijah and I have begun to coast. Settling at a mediocre level of romance, intimacy, just generally not giving a shit. It's not a matter of it being the fault of one or the other, but the both of us have just gotten bone idle. And I hadn't really noticed, not until a few days ago when Eli had pointed it out, and used the phrase 'lost your touch'.

Well, I'll show him.

I pin my phone between my shoulder and ear, wrestling on the oven gloves. Should I have finished cooking before I squeezed my fat arse into this small strappy number, probably. Am I going to dare try change out of it? Not a fucking chance.

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