Chapter Nine - Genetalia Entry Password

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I situate myself on the swinging sofa in Sebastian's garden. This is my home now, considering I've been exiled by none other than my ex-boyfriend and his impossibly tall girlfriend.

Why are they here?

And how dare he come, arm in arm, with the girl he replaced me with when earlier this week, he was near begging me to meet him and 'talk'. Yeah, talk. That's how every bad mistake begins. Talking isn't Adam's style and considering that I have absolutely no tangible will power, I'd have been getting a lecture from Nat about my incapability to modulate my hormones for the following month.

Well, that's one problem. She's another. See, we, as in myself and my friends, aren't sure if she was actually aware of me. She's a stranger, no one knows her, and she certainly didn't seem all that apologetic when I rolled up to Adam's house with a hammer. So, either she's a cold-hearted wench, or the earliest form of a ditsy blonde bimbo.

Whatever the reason, in my current condition, I don't doubt I'll punch her in the face.

The air captures a particular chill now, promising the autumn that's soon to come, so I wrap my arms around myself in a feeble attempt to insulate my body. It doesn't work, but it makes me feel slightly less vulnerable.

With a heavy sigh, I look up to the sky. Scarred with a jumble of stars, each slicing through the vast chasm, tainting the ground below with just enough light to make it more fantastical than eerie. Who'd have thought balls of gas burning millions of miles away would have that effect? I squint my eyes and try to identify the constellations, but what with the world spinning much faster than it should be, I struggle.

"Osborne?" A voice calls out is a harsh whisper. I crane my head around the back of the lounger sofa and notice Hendrix. My ogre is shining armor it seems. Upon noticing me, he makes his way over, nodding his head. "All sorted."

"He's gone?" I ask softly as he sits himself beside me. Hendrix nods and I release a breath I wasn't aware to be holding. "Was it Nat? Did she punch him? Or Seb. Oh, did he really kick off?" I ask him in a hurry, suddenly cautious that my friends in their intoxicated state certainly wouldn't have been all that forgiving.

"Well, Nat is currently enjoying male company in one of the spare rooms and Seb is enjoying female company against his kitchen table. And considering that you didn't explicitly ask for the help of Lena or Collins, I sorted it." He tells me simply.

I pull a face of confusion and lean back slightly. "You. You sorted it?" I echo in disbelief.

"Your gratitude needs some work." He sighs. I shake my head to move past his sly jibe and proceed to probe him for information.

"What did you do?" I ask.

"I didn't do anything. I just said that his girlfriend was very attractive, and he took that as reason enough to leave." He explains simply. Of course, I feel like there is more to it than that, but all I can focus on now is that my arch-enemy called my replacement attractive.

"You said she's attractive?" I snap at him. He shrugs.

"Yeah." He says simply.

I groan and tuck myself into a ball, not caring that my dress has hiked slightly or that one of my straps has fallen down. "Why couldn't she have been a stupid ugly troll?" I ask no one in particular.

Hendrix shrugs again. "Because that would suggest the world is fair and it absolutely is not." There is a pause in which our only company is the whistle of the wind as it plays against the leaves. "I imagine it wasn't an amicable break up." He states through the stillness.

I shake my head with a scoff. "I was a bull in a china shop." I take a breath and a slight chuckle slips past my lips. "I threatened to steal his dog this week." I tell him. Hendrix smirks slightly, then tilts his head, amusement quickly replaced with confusion.

Mr and Mrs Nemesis✔️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang