chapter 8.

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Let's make this happen, girl
We're gonna show the world that something good can work
And it can work for you
And you know that it will

Harlow Dean

Four hours of sleep last night, a new record for me. It's 10 AM on a Saturday, I'm lying consumed by my white sheets, letting the sunlight beam through the gap in the curtains and I feel genuinely at peace. Willow is lying here with me but she's still asleep, she's quite lazy. The only thing that would make this moment better would the sound of my Fleetwood Mac record spinning.

I can't believe the events of last night with Harry, I can't believe I slapped him. I've now got no daylight coming into my office with is great so Harry better hurry up and get my new window because it looks so tacky with the cardboard replacement. Thank god it's summer is all I'll say.

I do still have a bone to pick with him though. As I was leaving I saw Niall dealing to someone round the back of my club and I'm not having that going on here. The club isn't becoming a breeding ground for drug dealers because it never has been. I think I'm being fair by letting them do drugs in the bathroom because I could've easily just said no, but I didn't, so they better be grateful for that and if they want to deal, they can go somewhere else.

It's such a beautiful day outside so the thought of having to start the day by picking a fight with someone really does dampen the mood.

You know what, fuck it, I'll wait until tonight. I don't want to ruin such a beautiful day.

Thankfully my little workaholic self has done most of this week's actual work that isn't just being present at the club. All I have is the odd few emails to reply to as they come through which means today I can maybe make use of the last of nice weather outside.

"Morning beautiful," I say to Willow who's decided to come up and lie on my chest. "What are we doing today? Should I go and see mum or should I just stay home, water the plants, maybe read something and play you some songs?"

Willow nudges her nose against my chin as she begins to purr, almost as if that was her giving me an answer. Sweet little creature.

"I thought so. I'll have to get some new flowers for the vase in the kitchen, what are we thinking for this week? I think some sunflowers, celebrate the last of the sunshine before it turns to winter. Just don't eat them this time"

I always talk to her like she can speak back but the fact that she can't is maybe why we get on so well. She can only listen, she can't express her doubts even though I'm sure she has them. The amount of secrets she knows is crazy, if she was human I'd probably have to kill her with the amount she knows about me.

I didn't lie in bed for too long, I never do but today felt like a good day and I don't know why. Maybe it's the sun, maybe it's the fact I slept for more than two hours but being in a decent headspace in the morning is so rare, so I'm taking advantage of it.

I threw on a little floral skirt with a chunky cardigan and I tied my hair back with one of those little silk scarf/bandana things. I really am clinging on to the summer, it's the end of August and the sunny weather will soon be replaced by the falling leaves so I'm taking full advantage of the sun and dressing like it's still June.

After a cup of coffee and sitting staring out my living room window while listening to my Sticky Fingers record, I decide maybe it's time to actually do something productive. I'll take a trip to the florist and maybe I'll even grab a coffee to take on a walk somewhere. Or maybe I'll just go to the florist, come home and do the usual routine of going between the piano, my emails and a book until it's time to go to the club.

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