chapter 78.

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So give me hope in the darkness that I will see the light
'Cause oh that gave me such a fright
But I will hold as long as you like
Just promise me we'll be alright

I listend to this song on repeat whilst writing and I was crying so much, ahhhh, it's such a perfect description of how Harry feels about Harlow and the situation so I recommend listening to it.

Harry Styles

"Liam!" I tell, grabbing him by the shoulders and pulling him off the guy lying beneath him with blood covering his face, "Daniels gone!"

It took Liam a few seconds to realise why I was actually saying, but the second the penny dropped he looked as if he shit himself. He threw that man to the ground and grabbed my arm, pulling me off to the side away from this hectic fucking battlefield.

We met eyes and suddenly every ounce of adrenaline in my body vanished, and was replaced with the sickening gut feeling that something bad is about to happen. Liam placed both his hands on my shoulders and held eye contact with me as the fear began to settle in my stomach.

"I'm calling Josie." He states, nodding reassuringly before reaching into his pocket and then pressing his phone to his ear.

I sit myself down on the ground, feeling completely sick at the thought of Daniel getting a hold of Harlow. I'm praying that this is just me overthinking things, that I'm just stressing because I love her and the thought of her getting hurt destroys me.

Everything in my vision turns into nothing but a blurry picture. That sight of my men dominating the Vultures has fogged over as I've fallen too deep into  my own thoughts to even pay attention to my surroundings.

Liam crouched down in front of me, hands on my shoulders and looked at me offering half a smile. "Josies on her way to the club, you and I are getting a taxi home and picking up your car, and then we're following Josie's car. Niall and the guys will keep this going until it's over."

I nod, then Liam pulls me back up to my feet and the two of us are running to find the nearest taxi rank in the city, because by the time we phone one it'll be too late. Minutes later we jumped in, had the driver breaking all the speed limits until we reached my house and chucked god knows how much money at the driver.

We sprinted towards my car and the second I slammed the car door shut, Liam's phone began to ring. My heart dropped and I genuinely had to stop myself from throwing up when I saw it was Josie's name lighting up his screen.

"Put it on speaker." I tell him, gripping onto the steering wheel for dear life as we sit in my parked car.

Liam nods, accepting the phone call, "Josie?"

"Liam..." her voice sounds panicky and worried, "it's the club..."

Fear came swinging at me and had me gripping the steering wheel so tightly that it hurt. "Josie did you call Harlow?" I shout into the phone with my eyes pinched shut and jaw clenched.

"She didn't answer."

Those three words had me frozen in position, yet my heart beating so quickly you'd be able to see it from a distance. Harlow normally answers her phone within two rings, and knowing the circumstances, she definitely wouldn't let the phone ring out, not at a time like this.

"So I drove to the club and-"

I reached over and ended the phone call, not wanting to hear what Josie says and when Liam looks at me confused, I just start the car and instantly drive off. I don't want to hear anything from Josie, I want to find them out on my own and if somethings happened to Harlow, I'm not letting someone tell me on a fucking phone call.

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