chapter 17.

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Bruises on your thighs like my fingerprints
And this is for to match
The darkness that you felt
I never meant for you to fix yourself

(This chapter + this song = chefs kiss)

Harry Styles

Why she wants to come to this I don't know but the only reason I didn't object is that she'll see what this is like and she'll realise why I was against it in the first place. Hopefully this will scare her into staying out of our gang shit, the stuff she never should've been involved with in the first place.

I just say that Harlow in her black skinny jeans, high top converse and leather jacket was making her look like someone who belonged in this field, however I reckon that's just down to the constant look of pride she wears. She always looks like she's going to murder me with her bare hands and it's hot, I'll give her that.

One minute she's all sweet and innocent looking, the next she looks all evil and complacent. It's always when the day fades into the night time too, when darkness arrives she steps into this dark character but I'm not falling for it. Seeing the snippets of what she's like without this mask she puts on is giving me the idea she's not the content boss woman everyone sees her as.

I already knew that though, well before we even met.

The difficulty with bringing her to this fight is that I have no idea what to do with her. Does she just stay in the car? Do I take her out with me and let her stand and observe? I have no fucking clue.

She's smart though, bringing her to a fight definitely makes things look more real between us. Daniel will see Harlow here with us and doubt every thought in his pea sized brain of his that ever questioned our 'relationship'. I just hope Harlows a good actress, tonight especially.

I mean if she's been dating guys like Owen then I'm sure she's a brilliant actress.

I say Daniel has a pea sized brain, however starting this fight tonight was smart, it was unexpected. Unfortunately for him we're always prepared and all my men are absolutely ecstatic to be fighting again considering Daniels has been too much of a pussy to fight us recently.

"Nervous birdy?" I chuckle, seeing the way she's been playing with the chain around her neck.

"Nope - Harry stop! What the fuck?" She exclaims as I slam down on the breaks, wondering what the fuck her problem is.

I don't know why she's staring at me like I'm the crazy one, she just started screaming in the middle of her sentence. Are all girls like this? If she's gonna be all whiny then I'll leave her on the side of the road here and she can find her own way home.

"You call this driving?" Harlow scoffs with that raging expression on her face as she points to the kid who was crossing the road in front of us.

So that's why she screamed. I never saw the kid there, what a shame.

"I'm a confident driver Harlow, don't start yelling at me from the passenger seat like a fucking lunatic." I mumbled, starting to drive again because we do actually have a fight to attend.

"You almost ran over a child!" She replies angrily with her hands doing all sorts of motions, it's funny.

"Yeah, confidently." I smirk back at her.

She doesn't even respond to that, she doesn't know how. All she does is sit back with her arms crossed and a pout on her face. If she's getting mad over the fact I almost ran over a child then god knows how she'll react to what she's about to witness. That will most likely be a lot worse than a kid being run over, and I can promise her that.

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