chapter 53.

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Looking like you came from the 70's on your own

Harlow Dean

It's been just over two weeks since I told Harry everything and it's been great. He's spent a lot of time here and he's felt guilty that he's not given me his hospitality as much however it's easier for him to come to mine because I need to look after Willow.

He even has his own toothbrush here and I have one at his place too.

Although we've both been quite busy so we haven't actually spent that much time together in the last two weeks. Harry's been working a lot and every time I saw him he had a new bruise on his body, but he always told me I didn't want to know about where it's from so I've just stopped asking.

We might not have spent much time together since my whole coming clean about why I'm fucked up fiasco, however I for some reason wasn't worried about this vanishing from my life. He makes me feel safe and I'm beginning to trust him, however crazy that may be.

Things are really confusing actually, I mean we spend time together after the club closes, we have sex, I sometimes teach him piano and we know a lot about eachother, yet I'm not even sure where things lie between the two of us.

This thing started as a fake relationship but now when we're affectionate in the club it's not fake, I don't think. We talk about a lot of things but our feelings towards each other don't seem to be one of them.

To be quite honest, that conversation scares me too much to bring it up and Harry's open about the fact he's never done this before so that conversation seems like one that'll never be had. Harry might not have done this before, but I've never done healthy relationships either so it's new to the both of us.

Walking into the club tonight I went straight to the girls dressing room, the place I always go when I'm lacking confidence because the second you step in there you're getting all sorts of positive affirmations hurled at you, as well as being smacked in the face but perfume, deodorant and hairspray fumes.

"Mother H! Nice to see you, to see you nice."  Chloe exclaims from the far corner.

The second I sat down on the free chair beside the door, Luna threw herself on my lap and put an arm round my shoulder as if she was my child. It's funny because these girls really are like my children, I protect and love them like they are, despite the fact some are older than me.

That's why they call me 'mother H', it's all part of the employer-employee relationship we have, one where I form actual friendships with my staff.

"How's things with lover boy?" She whispers, winking at me so dramatically.

"Good, we've been busy but yeah-"

"Should never be too busy for you though." She interrupts all smugly. "Keep him on his toes H, what've you got on under that dress?" She asks, peeking down the neckline of my dress.

"Luna!" I chuckle, swatting her away.

When you have boobs the same size as pancakes you don't need to wear a bra, so why would I? It's not like I'm going commando to be all risky and give Harry easy access, it's because I do only own two bras and you wouldn't wear a plaster on wounded skin would you?

"I'm serious! You own the seat he's currently sitting in and the glass he's drinking from, act like it." She tells me, pointing her finger. "You have to tease him, make sure he doesn't get too comfortable and what not."

Is it bad that I'm considering it?

"Fine." I state through a laugh, "Fine but I need to go back out front now and you need to do your job."

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