chapter 74.

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Spend my summertime beside her
And the rest of the year, the same
She is the flint that sparks the lighter
And the fuel that will hold the flames

Listen to this song (hearts don't break around here by Ed Sheeran) on repeat for dramatic effect...I shed a tear writing the end of the chapter to this song.

Harlow Dean

Harry is treating this meal like his house was a gourmet restaurant and I'm an A-list celebrity.

When I say he's gone all out, I mean that he's got an apron on, sleeves are rolled up, the table is made with candles, he's got the scales out, he's using a measuring jug, and he's concentrating so hard his tongue is sticking out.

It's actually really nice watching him out so much thought and consideration into something, however for the past hour, each time I've tried to make conversation he's told me he can't talk because he's concentrating.

He gave me the book 'Animal Farm' and told me to read it, even though I already have. Each time I'd speak he'd ask me what page I was on and what part I was at. I must've read the book at least 6 times now so this time I was pretty much skimming it, but Harry said if I finish it he'll give me Pride and Prejudice. He's only making me read because cooking requires his full concentration therefore can't have any noise distracting him.

One book, several clattering sounds and half an hour later, Harry's shouting me to the table and pulling out the chair for me with a proud look on his face. He tucked me in at the table and then unfolded a napkin to place on my lap like he was a fancy waiter dressed in sweats.

I fucking love him.

He walks over with two plates in his hands, placing them down on the two place mats opposite each other on the table and then sits down opposite me. When he unfolds his napkin he does it so dramatically and places it on his lap like he was a really wealthy posh man dressed in a three piece suit.

"Bon appétit, mon amour" Harry smirks, picking up his knife and fork. "carbonara végétalien."

He said it with such elegance and tried so hard to perfect the French accent. I can tell how proud of himself he is too, he's grinning at me like a cheshire cat and I'm honestly really impressed. The food looks great and his pronunciation was actually really good, his smug little grin definitely helped with that.

"Where'd you learn that?" I chuckle, smiling like a child in a toy shop.

" translate." He admits, cringing as the words left his mouth.

Google translate really should be a crime, although this time it seems that google translate has worked in Harry's favour. I'm just praying he didn't have to google the bon appetit part.

I think this is all so sweet, the amount of effort he put into this and him trying French. I don't know what on earth I did to deserve this, but I really do not deserve this man at all.

The carbonara is genuinely really good, and for it being vegan and Harry not using those different ingredients before, I'd say it's a pretty amazing meal. He even had water in a fancy jug that he took to his feet just to pour into my glass. He's so proud of all this too and it really is making my heart flutter.

It wasn't long until the both of us had finished, the plates scraped clean with the cutlery placed neatly in the middle. Harry reached across to hold my hand from across the table and started rubbing his thumb over the tops of my knuckles, twisting that ring he got me round my finger.

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