chapter 83.

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You're in love with a Psycho
And there's nothing you can do about it

Harry Styles

I called Liam and the guys as soon as Harlow said so, because the quicker we get this over and done with, the quicker she can get back home and rest. She needs to rest and the fact she's not is really worrying me, but knowing her she won't be happy until she's helped Demi, therefore I didn't really have much choice.

I took Liam I'm my car because I didn't want Harlow to sit in the front, who knows what Daniel could be capable of when he sees her. I'm also leading the other car with Liam, Louis and Zayn in it as Harlow shouts directions at me from the back seat.

She's guiding me up some really sketchy road and even I'm feeling a little uneasy about this, so I dread to imagine just how awful this all was for Harlow. I don't even know what happened to her, and I don't think I want to, not if she doesn't want to talk about it.

We turned into an old farm road, and I kept driving until we reached a barn with a car I know all too well as the one belonging to Daniel. Suddenly that feeling of unease crashes over me and fills me with nerves, so I can't imagine how Harlow's feeling right now.

The second we stop the car the barn doors slide open, revealing Daniel standing there with Demi stood behind him and immediately I unbuckle my seatbelt and tell Harlow to stay in the car until we're back. In the glovebox I have a gun that into get's used in emergency situations so I shove that in my pocket too. I could see Harlow look at me worried however I just quietly told her to sit still before climbing out the car.

When Liam and I step out of the car, we're soon joined by the other three and Daniel just looks at us like we've shown up here to play football with him. I swear to god if he doesn't wipe that smile off his face I'll make sure he never can smile ever again.

"Styles, nice to-"

"Don't you pull that fucking shit with-" I went to storm over to him, probably throw him a punch or two but I was stopped when Liam stepped in front of me and whispered telling me to keep my cool.

It's actually really difficult to come face to face with someone who has hurt somebody you love so much, so blowing his head off right now is very tempting, but for the sake of Harlow I won't do it. She's too kindhearted to deserve to see someone get killed, I couldn't do that to her.

Demi is standing behind him, her cheeks stained with tears and it definitely looks as though there's been an argument between the two of them. Judging by what Harlow said, I'm certain there's been an argument and although Demi hurt Harlow, she doesn't deserve to go through whatever it is she's going through.

"Demi, get in my car." I shout over, nodding my head back towards my car to which she just looks at Daniel nervously.

Daniel cackles out sarcastically before looking back at Demi and shaking his head evilly. It was that very moment I knew exactly what Harlow meant, because that look he gave Demi frightened her.

"Demi's not going anywhere." He states firmly.

"You're such a bitch," scoffs Louis, smirking to Niall as they all silently laugh at his sudden feeling of power.

Daniel looks like those words slapped him across the face, but he said what we were all thinking. He is a bitch, especially after disappearing from his own fight to go and absolutely destroy an innocent woman's life. He only seems to pick on people who are weaker than him but that's no surprise when you consider who his father was.

I wander over to him, "you lost Daniel, you deserve to rot in hell, alone." I taunt him as I begin to close the distance between us. "Demi get in the car."

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