chapter 14.

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I tried hard to believe
Satisfaction is guilt and love all that is greed
But the truth is I'm just a man
My energy spins like a song on repeat that repeats

Harry Styles

I got out the taxi at Liam's house, I need to talk to him about what the fuck just happened. My heads a mess, not just because of the hangover but because of the whole situation and the godforsaken prick isn't even answering his door. I know he's awake, of course he is, the weirdo refuses to stay in bed later than 10.

14 rings of the doorbell later, the man finally decides to open his door and thank god he did because I was genuinely considering climbing through a window. Without hesitation I decide to just invite myself in, why wouldn't I? He's my friend and I'm on the verge of a breakdown.

Oh shit.

Would you look at that...Liams getting fucking laid.

A pretty brunette on his couch staring at me like I'm an animal, not what I expected to see from Liam but good for him I guess. I couldn't hide the grin, this is absolute gold. It's like I've just caught two teenagers in the act, brilliant. The sentimental bastard even gave her his jumper to wear.

Every time we go out and I try to get him laid he always declines, always. Now look at him, I'm so proud. This means he won't be so cranky and uptight all the that celebratory drinks I hear?

"Harry, you can't just barge into my house." He sighs, mouthing a quick 'sorry' to his friend on the couch.

How sweet.

"You slept with someone! Congrats man!" I exclaim, holding up my hand for a high five which he ignores, followed by another dramatic sigh.

Please don't tell me that's like his cousin or something because if so, I'm never talking to him again. I swear he said he didn't have any family so I have no clue why they're both staring at eachother like that. I literally refrained myself from saying anything weird so it wasn't something I said, or did.

"This is Josie, she's my girlfriend." He states awkwardly, scratching the back of his neck.


No fucking way.

That's why he never wants to sleep with the girls we set him up with? Boring.

I don't even know what to say, I'm shocked. This was something I never saw coming, something I never could've predicted in a million years.

What the fuck happened to our girlfriend rule? This is the first I'm hearing of Josie and for all I know, she could just be a girl from Daniels posse trying to get inside information, he's smart like that. What if Liam genuinely falls for her? I haven't even had the chance to look into her, how the fuck do I trust her?

Fuck this, I'll deal with it later. Got bigger things weighing down my mind.

"Well Josie it's nice to meet you but you have to leave, now." I smile, gaining two unimpressed stares. "What? Liam we have things to speak about."

By we I mean I but he doesn't need to know that until she's gone. I'd rather not talk about my personal problems in front of his new 'girlfriend' when there's the risk she might run off and tell Daniel.

You wanna date one of the guys you get questioned by me for three reasons. One, I don't want anything leaked to people who'll take what they can and run with it. Two, I don't want to deal with any of them moping around all sad because they've had their heart broken. And three, it's not worth it on the girl or guys part. Loving one of us comes with a lot of risks, nothing would be normal.

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