chapter 16.

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And the clean coming will hurt
And you can never get it spotless
When there's dirt beneath the dirt

The liar takes a lot less
Time to decide on his saunter
Have you got itchy bones
And in all your time alone
Can you hack your mind being riddled
With the wrong memories

Harlow Dean

I appreciate the coffee, I really do but now isn't the time. I just sat in the middle of the kitchen floor crying and I'm not in the right mental state to talk to anyone right now. I don't want to be here myself, never mind with somebody else but I have the feeling Harry won't be leaving.

I like when we only talk in the club, I like having sunday's to myself because by Sunday my sociability has run out so him showing up here unannounced is the definition of my worst nightmare. I like to be prepared, I like to know when people are coming because I hate change and I hate when my routine is knocked off schedule.

He apologised for being a dick, that's something I'd never imagine to fall from those lips of his but I will admit the coffee is the only reason I haven't kicked him out yet.

Right now I'm being betrayed by my own cat, she's warming right up to him instead of attacking him like I'd have hoped. He doesn't strike me as the type of man who talks to cats but willow didn't strike me as the type of cat to betray me like this so I suppose this whole day is full of surprises.

"Nice piano, you should play." Says Harry, standing up from his crouched position he was in talking to Willow.

Wow, suddenly I can't play.

"Oh don't look at me like that birdy, I heard you this morning. Does someone have stage fright?" He teases, nudging me jokingly before pulling out one of the chairs from my table and sitting down beside the piano.

Why does he care? I mean it's a fucking piano, realistically who actually finds it interesting other than people who can play or listen to classical music? He doesn't have to pretend, I wouldn't be offended by his lack of fascination in piano music.

Maybe I should just play him something so he stops asking. He'll get bored and wish he never asked, they all do.

"Fine." I sigh as I sit myself down on the bench.

Harry interrupts me before I even place my fingers on the keys, "Not gonna introduce yourself? Tell me what you're playing?" He smirks.

Well now I'm just gonna play something piss easy because he's being annoying.

"I'm Harlow Dean and this is twinkle twinkle little star," I flash him a sarcastic smile before turning to the piano. "Sing along if you know the words."

I wasn't joking. I am literally playing twinkle twinkle little star to him because I'm not gonna play something I usually do and bore him. He knows this one, he can sing if he so desperately wants to, although I'm not quite sure my ears are prepared for that.

20 seconds and it's over, he can go now.

"Very good. Play something proper now, from that book." Harry says, pointing to the book on the stand. "Let me pick."

He's definitely just trying to annoy me at this point but that doesn't seem to stop me handing him the book anyway. It's not like he can make sense of it, sheet music is complicated and that whole book is french so perhaps that's for my own amusement.

"Right here you go, Emb... Embryons dess- yeah I can't say that." He hangs me back the book looking defeated, I like it.

"Embryons desséchés." I say, mainly for spite, mocking the fact he couldn't pronounce it.

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