epilogue part 1.

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We've been living on a fault line
And for a while, you were all mine
I've spent a lifetime giving you my heart
I swear that I'll be yours forever
'Til forever falls apart

Harlow Dean

The hottest day of the year, a sunflower field and Harry.

That's how I'm spending my Wednesday afternoon, on what feels like the hottest day of the year in the midst of summer. Not one cloud is up there in the sky today and this feels like a scene from a movie Harry and I haven't watched yet.

When we woke up this morning to the sun beaming through the blinds and casting that golden glow over our bedroom, Harry was adamant that we had to make plans today. So he searched for the nearest sunflower field and decided we'd make a day out of a trip to a field of my favourite flowers.

Harry decided to take his guitar and his notebook, I carried a bag with water and some fruit, and we wandered through this sea of yellow flowers hand in hand like we were the only two people in the world.

Something about weather that allowed me to wear skirts makes me so much happier, don't even get me started on the colour coordinated outfits. Today I opted for a very floaty forest green midi skirt, a black band t-shirt that has dark green writing on it, which I'm sure originally belonged to Harry, and my black converse.

Jeans recently haven't been the most comfortable option...not that any of them fit me anymore.

Green always has been my favourite colour but since I met Harry, my love for green has grown just as much as the love for the emerald colour of his eyes has.

Of course Harry decided to wear his typical black jeans and his favourite Fleetwood Mac t-shirt, but I don't think I'll ever get sick of that combo. Today though, he had a scarf tied around his neck and some retro glasses covering his eyes, which I think makes him look like he belongs on the cover of a magazine.

When I told him he looked nice he started blushing and going shy like he always does, because he doesn't really know how to take a compliment which is ironic considering he always complains I'm the one who can't take them.

Harry likes my outfit today, he said it makes me look French and I honestly don't understand where I got that from, but it made me smile. After he told me that, he typed 'birdy looks magnificent' into Google translate and played it over and over again to wind me up until I threatened to let Freddie into his plants.

Note to self: do not mess with Harry and his garden.

He didn't talk to me for five whole minutes.

Unfortunately for him, he isn't very good at giving me the silent treatment because within the same hour he was driving us to this sunflower field and singing a duet to daydream believer with me as the wind blew through our hair with the windows down in the car.

Hand in hand walking through this field of sunflowers, Harry's guitar in his other arm and his own bag over his shoulder, I realise that but a day goes by where I don't fall ten times harder for this man. It's crazy how much I'm in love with him, especially now.

I do love him ten times more when he isn't purposefully cracking my fingers though.

"Harry! That hurts you shit!" I exclaim, pulling my hand back immediately and jabbing him in the side with my elbow.

He jogged ahead slightly with his hands up as if to say 'don't shoot' and the most playful laugh falling from his lips. I shot him the middle finger to which he just laughed, and I'm glad he's finding this funny because this seems to be his new thing; trying to break my fingers when he holds my hands.

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