chapter 12.

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Well, now then, mardy bum
Oh, I'm in trouble again, aren't I?
I thought as much
'Cause you turned over there
Pulling that silent disappointment face
The one that I can't bare

Harlow Dean

"It's so cold in here" Harry complains, sitting there on my couch staring at me with his drunken eyes.

"Yeah someone through a rock through the window." I jokingly remind him.

Cardboard windows, how classy.

You'd think I'd be used to dealing with drunk people considering that's what I do for a living but when it's the drunk man who you're in a pretend relationship things are different...for some reason.

If it's just a normal drunk man at the club it's easy to just ignore the drunken comments made towards me as I'm trying to sober him up. I don't know them personally so it doesn't offend me when they start talking shit, although the majority of them are nice enough. However when it's Harry things feel different and I don't know why I took him calling me little miss know it all to heart, but I did.

"I'm sleeping here." States Harry as he kicks his boots off and lies himself down on the couch.

He was literally complaining about it being cold two seconds ago...

Weird man.

Weird, weird man.

"Do you have any more drugs?" I ask, to which his eyes light up and he lifts his head to look at me with excitement.

Oh god, he thinks I want to do them doesn't he?


"Not because I want to do them, you just probably shouldn't take anymore. " I quickly add in a desperate attempt to clear that up.

Not to be that bitch but I couldn't do drugs, not if I really wanted to. Everything I've seen come from them has destroyed me and I've never even  been the one to touch them. I couldn't do it to the people around me and all I really have is the cat, Willow and her separation anxiety wouldn't cope without me.

I miss Willow.

...maybe I'm the one with separation anxiety.

"Well even if you wanted to do drugs with me you couldn't because they're all in my system." Chuckles Harry, resting both his hands underneath his head whilst lying on his side staring at me.

This is making me feel weird, I haven't got a clue what I'm supposed to do with him in this state.

I'm just gonna forget that he's Harry for a minute. I'll pretend that he's just a heavily intoxicated man who wandered back here and needs some help. It's not like it's unusual for me to have to pretend around him anyway.

"What did you take?" I sympathetically ask him.

Do I even want to know?

"Coke." He replies.

Okay well at least there's just one drug he's on, mixing them doesn't sound too good so at least he hasn't done that. From what I remember learning about drugs in the course I had to take before opening this club, I'm pretty sure mood swings are a symptom of using cocaine. That explains a lot.

"And some pills"


"One like turns into twenty, that turns into pills and then it gets too much"

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