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Lawrence's POV

Thinking about the guy that came to look for Trina has my hair sticking up as something definitely doesn't add up. She has been with me secretly  without the knowledge of anyone except my family which was actually a mistake as i didn't want anyone but the guards to know where she was as there have been attacks towards her by the Richardson family. I can't loose anyone to them again NEVER.

"hey, where have you been?". Trina asks as she enters my office in the house. i can't quite put my finger on it but she looks really pretty tonight. I mean she looks pretty everyday but she looks more beautiful and i'm here oogling her to know why.

"you're beautiful baby". I smile standing up to kiss her on the forehead.

"Notice anything different?". she asks batting her eyes and its asolutely adorable but i'm in a serious mode right now. i've been slacking and that's why all the extra drama that has happened ocurred.

"Can you just tell me?". I said with my tone snappy, damn i didn't mean to sound like that.

"I'm sorry for coming to check on you. please do forgive this jobless soul". she replied sarcastically, I already knew the second that those words left my mouth that i had messed up.

Before i had a chance to apologiswe, she walked out and i know better than to follow or talk to her when she's angry so i sat my ass back down as started to brain storm.

I can't sleep peacefully if i don't know who's leaking information and most impotantly how that guy knew that Trina was here.

Tapping on the beeper on my desk, I called the head of the CCTV monitors
"Derek, my office now". You really didn't think that i would be in a place without CCTV all over it. I've planted them the second i finished building this house, more like hideout.

'I'm going to get to the bottom of this, but to do that, I'm gonna need a smart ass plan. One that no one will ever be able to guess'

"Sir". Derek walked after I indicated with my hand that he can.

"I want to see all the CCTV footages from a week before I arrived". I demanded looking straight into his eyes so he could see that I wasn't joking.

"B-But Sir, there are 265 cameras all over. Are you sure Sir". He asks out of worry, that is if I read his facial expressions correctly.
Giving him a final look, he nodded; "You're gonna have to come with me to the control room Sir".

"Lead the way". I ordered, all this I was doing for a lil feisty woman that I wouldn't trade for anything. She's currently mad at me so after this I need to find a way to appease her.
'This woman would be the death of me'

"You mean Miss Trina?". Derek paused, looking at me which startled me a bit as we were going through the underground tunnel. Wait, did I just say that out loud?

His snickering brought me back from my surprise.
"You should see your face right now. You're like a deer caught in headlights". His snickering turned to laughter.

"Stop laughing or I'll feed you to the fishes down there". I glared at him but this only makes him laugh harder.
Not even a second after, his serious expression returned.
"Is this how you wish to pay me for doing all your homework in high school? So ungrateful". He said in a mocking tone that just made me want to punch him in the face.

I'm sure you're a little confused. Well, Derek is a very close friend, my second best friend after Jace. We've all been together since elementary school with Vincent (the traitor). That's about it.

"Stop whining about the same thing a billion times. I understand though cause that's the only thing your greedy ass has ever done for anyone". I replied and this kind of clap back would've gotten 'it's quiet, ain't no back talk' from my baby. I learn new things everyday.

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