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Hi everyone, I'm sorry for another late chapter but I've been sick for weeks and have been barely posting. Please bear with me. I'm sorry but glad to say that I'm feeling better.

Trina's P.O.V

What I saw when I opened the door was pure panic on his face. His facial expressions have become more visible lately, before you couldn't tell what he was thinking but now I seem to be able to read into almost very emotion he feels.

"What happened Lawrence?". I said already also in panic mode, cause I'm sure seeing someone that doesn't ever have a facial expression express panic in all his features, would make anyone panic. The way he slumped on the wall by my door, the way his face looked like he was having an attack and his voice, oh his voice sounded scratchy and tired, of course I couldn't help but panic too.

"Oh, you're okay. You're okay". He breathed out and you don't need an interpreter to tell you that it was a breath of relief, this should've made me confused but I know that this has to do with the Rainers.

"I am, are you". I had to ask cause he was the one looking sick, but he answered me with a bone crushing hug, I should love this hug but my bones seem like they're literally breaking.

"I-i ca-can't bre-eath". I said and he released me smiling.

"I'm sorry, I got carried away". He said, and if I didn't know better, I'd say he's shy, but I don't think that's possible. Then my thoughts were distracted by his brother laughing. I didn't even realize he was here but I recognise him from the time I went over to his house as his brother

"At this rate, you'll kill her before the Rainers do". He said still laughing but just one glance from Lawrence made him realise what he just said.
"I don't me an that the Rainers will kill, I w-was just t-tryna say that h-he-". He tried to explain but I cut him off laughing.

"It's fine, I know what you mean. Go easy on him". I said referring to Lawrence but I was still smiling. His brother at least can joke around.

"I can joke around too you know, I just don't". Oh shoot, did I just say that aloud, ugh this is so embarrassing. Wait, did he just say he could joke around? . In my head, I was laughing out loud but physically I was still embarrassed.

"Oh, you don't have to be shy". His brother said, smiling a lil. From what I can remember from my visit, he doesn't talk much. What happened now?

Then Lawrence looked at me with conviction both in his voice and features.
"Trina, you're coming with us, you have to stay with me, if not I won't have rest. They are trying to get you. Please come". He said and just for that please I agreed cause it's a rare word to come out of Lawrence Basma's mouth.

"Okay". He looked taken aback but didn't say anything but walk in, I mean into my house probably to pack up my stuff. OH NO, MY UNDERWEAR.

Well, we've been past that.

But it happened a long time ago.

Still, he shouldn't see them, I'd die of embarrassment.

"Hey lawr-". I began but shut my mouth when I saw him holding up my blue lingerie f**k.

"Not bad, I'm sure it'll look overwhelming on you". He says and continues to pack my stuff, leaving me to wonder whether or not overwhelming is a compliment.


Three (3) hours, we've been on the road for three hours and still haven't gotten to our destination. Where in the world does this man live.

"We'll get there anytime now, I'm sure you're famished". Okay, were saying fancy words now? Hollup, how did he know what I was thinking.

"You've said that a million times now". I sighed and rested my head on the car seat looking up at the roof of the car.

"Yeah, cause your eyes have asked a million times". His brother adds, and to be totally honest I'd forgotten that he was in the car with us as this is literally the first word he has spoken since we started this journey.

"I never knew I was so easy to read, curse you eyes". I murmured but the both of em heard and it and would I call it a laugh ?

Oh yeah, they chuckled.

The car was silent for a few minutes, giving me time to think about how my simple lonely life has come to this. Then all of a sudden, a sharp gasp escaped Lawrence's mouth and even if a sharp gasp could startle anyone, the one from him is another thing, my heart skipped a beat and not because of love I assure you.

"They're right behind us, and they came to get you but over my dead body". He said and swerved to pack by the roadside.
The look on his face is one of pure anger and although I've never seen him loose his temper, I've heard from my coworkers and it's not something you'll enjoy witnessing according to them but I'm beginning to finally see their point.

He unlocked the door but before he went outside, I held his hand and although no words were spoken, I did my best to communicate with him through my eyes which according to them was very readable.

If he does anything stupid and gets himself in trouble or killed, I would never forgive myself.

All I wanna do is jump out of the car and confront them with him but I know too well that that would complicate matters and again his brother is in the car with me, maybe to protect or keep me from running out of the car.

The shuddering panic I feel right should be for the fear of my life but no it's for him. The fear that they might do something to hurt him is making my teeth clatter.

All these thoughts left me with two questions;

1. How would killing me benefit them.

2. Why do I feel panic for him instead of for myself?". I mean I'm the one in danger.

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