Like a horror movie

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Trina's POV

I don't think telling him is a good idea.

Actually, I didn't just come out for air, I was chased.

I'm pretty sure you're a bit confused so let me go back


I tried to lift up his spirits a bit since I noticed how gloomy he's been for a few days but then it all blew up in my face.

It was already a bit cringe to play dress up and act extra cute but all my efforts just went down the drain.

I understand that he's busy but couldn't he tell me off gently?

It's okay though.

I said to myself as I headed back to my room, once I got in, I just went straight for the bathroom, changing my outfit to a regular one (a Jean and t-shirt)

After removing my makeup and washing up my face, I picked up a sound from the other side of the door and immediately, I went so stiff that I was barely breathing.

I know it may be me just being paranoid but right now I couldn't help it, with the recent events, you can't blame me either, Slowly and quietly, I walk towards the door, just to check.

Better safe than sorry

I gently turned the door knob to avoid any creaking sound and saw a man in all black, standing in front of my wardrobe, scanning the room.

That scared me so much and I waited for a chance to run out, it's a walk in close/wardrobe, so once I saw him walk in, I took that chance to run out, surely the patter of my feet would sell me out but I made a run for it and everyone's worse nightmare began

A tall man in all black running after you, closing up the space, with you knowing for sure that you're read if he catches up (just like a horror movie)

I wanted to run in the direction of Lawrence's office but he would definitely catch up with me cause if the turn and slippery tiles, so I a dashed out to the garden... one place I'm absolutely familiar with in this house as I've come here to take fresh air and deep breaths whenever I felt like choking Lawrence from frustration due to his attitude.
Don't get me wrong, he's a sweetheart but possessive with the ability to drive you crazy (get your mind out of the gutter)

Wait, where were we?

After running into the garden, I squeezed my not so tiny self into a corner where the lily flowers are. It's the most secretive and secure spots here. If he catches me here, then I'm done for.

"Come out little one". The man says with a taunting voice, damn I'm really in a horror movie.
I was so scared that my teeth tried clattering together but I forced not to because I really can't die like this.
After laughing at people who die because they fell down while running or have a hiccup in their hiding places in horror movies ( I wouldn't wanna be that guy).

"I'll take it easier on you if you come out on your own". He continues, and I can hear his footsteps get closer and closer to me and I held my breath to avoid any brand moving.
"Those cute little legs of yours are fast, I must confess". He says as I could literally see his feet, he's sooo close.

At this point, I just closed my eyes to surrender to fate when the sound of his footsteps faded away but I remained there, can't have any surprises taking my life.
I don't know how long I remained there but it was hours, the day had started to get darker when I heard my name.


I quickly stood up despite horrible cramp in my thighs. Before I walked a bit, I saw him.

"Why would you do that to me?". He said looking all disheveled.
"I know I hurt you earlier but this is too extreme a way to get back at me?". He said again, we'll more like yelled but I don't feel bad from his yelling cause I know it's out of concern

"I'm sorry, I wasn't trying to get back at you. I just took a stroll to clear my head".
"I didn't know you'll be looking for me". I said and my voice shook more than it should, mostly out of relief and conviction that this man will always have my back.

Before I could think of anything else, he wrapped his arms around me, with his nose in the crook of my neck and I wrapped mine around him, well, as far as they could go

I thinks she's in the garden, don't worry, he's not around.

We both heard someone say and I could've sworn that was Lawrence's mother (Jane)'s doctor.
The one that's always around and sneaky.

Lawrence tried to go out and definitely do something to harm them but I stopped him.

"Don't you think we should wait a bit before revealing ourselves?"
"At least, we could hear something useful" I whispered with my hands still grabbing his and he nodded settling back in place behind the door.

Come on, that woman is a pain in the ass, he couldn't have met her a little longer? . The doctor continued.

We waited patiently, I was waiting to hear the other person respond as he couldn't have been talking to himself.
If there's something I'm good at, it's remembering voices and pathways/roads.

Hmm. Another voice replied.
Come on, I'm gonna need you to say more. I said in my head, but unfortunately, I heard them walk away.

I won't leave this matter to Lawrence alone, I'm doing my own investigation as it's clear that I'm the target for whatever reason.

"You would've just let me reduce the number of our enemies, what's the need to wait".  He said as the sound of their footsteps vanished.

"You want to catch the main culprit, don't you?". I said, looking back at him as we make our way back to the main building.

"Of course I want to, and when I do, they'll be sorry".
"By the way. Are you not going to tell me what really happened today? Why you were hiding in the garden?. It definitely wasn't a stroll". He stopped and turned to me but I was too shocked to think of anything to say.

How did he know?

"Please don't keep things from me, especially things like this. It's just us against the world"
"I have a family, yes. But I don't trust them. It's a mafia house, remember?". He said, looking deeply into my eyes, hypnotizing me and I slowly nodded.

He kissed me on the forehead and held my hand leading the way back

"It's just us against the world".


Hi everyone, thank you so much for reading.
I hope you enjoyed it
I see all your comments and love them so much, please keep them coming ❤️

I promise you'll be getting a chapter early next week. I'm determined to finish this book and start another amazing one.

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