Finding X

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3rd Person POV

"Yes I did". Lawrence replied and raised his head up from a paper he was reading.
"I told him you were attacked yesterday, and to tighten security". Lawrence continued, as he said this Trina was already on edge as Lawrence's brother was the least person she suspected so she decided to ask another question to confirm her suspicions.

"Was that all you told him?". She asked, already picking at her nails which is one thing she does when nervous. Her gut, telling her that something was very wrong here but she couldn't quite put her finger on it.

"Yes, that's all I told him". Lawrence replied and if there was any color on her face, it just drained as she felt her blood run cold. Lawrence's brothers room was just a few doors from hers and if he was the one after her life, it wouldn't be too hard to do that as that man has skills when it comes to combat.
It doesn't make any sense that it's him, I mean we get along, right?
Even if it was him, why would he wait till now, when he had all the opportunities in the world to do whatever he wanted with me as I neither I nor Lawrence every suspected him.

"Baby, what's wrong?". Lawrence asked Trina and although her suspicions are almost clear to her, she doesn't want to accuse anyone without any proof, so she decided to keep it to herself.

"I- I'm fine, I'm okay". She replied to assure him but it sounded like all she was trying to do was assure herself.
Although Lawrence didn't press more on the subject, he knew something was off but also didn't want to put pressure on her as he doesn't want to be anything but her safe place and happiness.

"Baby, I have information that I think you should know about as we both agreed no secrets". Lawrence said. The way he said no secrets made Trina realize that he knows she's hiding something, which causes her look down at her feet, nervously tapping it on the floor, an action which did not go unnoticed by him.

"Derek told me he saw my mom secretly meet with a doctor, their discussions I don't know yet but I have someone on their tail". He told her with a sound voice but inside of him, he's restless as he knows clearly that someone is after Trina and that this person ain't playing. This is the first time ever that he hasn't been able get information on something he wants for this long.

I will definitely put an end to this, Vincent. He said within him.

"Can you stay here with me for a little while?" . Lawrence asks Trina as he feels they're gonna take her from him and there'll be nothing he can do. That restless feeling settling in his chest as he walks over to her and envelops her in his arms.
A hug which she gladly accepted and melted in, dipping her nose in the crook of his neck as they held each other for a while.

Lawrence pulls away after a while of holding her and stretched his legs settling his head on her laps.
While his head faced the ceiling with his head on her laps, he turns and hugs her stomach, his hot breath serving as a source of comfort.
Trina doesn't often see him like this (vulnerable), so she affectionately plays with his hair, tracing his facial features with the top of her fingers, an action that caused him to smile. When he looked back up at her, there was so much emotions in his eyes that literally shocked her.

"Are you okay?" She asked, fully concerned about what would have made Lawrence Basma this emotional and vulnerable. She knew he was sweet and cute sometimes but vulnerability is something that he does not show easily. Probably part of his work.

"Honestly, I'm not baby. I'm not". He admits, which is one of the things she loves about him. He may be possessive but he is vocal about his feelings.

"What's wrong?". Trina quietly asks, still running her fingers through his hair, paying full attention to him. His hair had always been something that Trina seemed to be fascinated about because no matter how much you run your fingers through it, it seem to always fall back into the pattern it originally was in.

"As much as I don't want to admit it, I'm scared. Scared that I'll lose you, that it'll be too late by the time I find the mole and get Vincent. I'm scared that I'll lose myself at the end because I won't be able to handle it if I lose you". He quietly breathes out these words, and although they're not romantic words, I felt really happy that he trusts me enough to be vulnerable with me.

"It's all going to turn out fine, I promise. I'm not going anywhere and although I'm nervous, I know that you won't let anyone harm me. So please let's not think about the worst possible outcome because it won't happen, okay love?". She assures and stays silent waiting for Lawrence to reply and when she didn't get any, she looked down at the man on her laps.
He was grinning from ear to ear, which did nothing but confuse her.

"Why are you smiling?". She asks purely out of curiosity.
He stands up and kisses her on the cheek, on her nose, her eyes her forehead and lightly on the lips.

"That's the first time you addressed me as 'love', I couldn't help but notice". He says still grinning for ear to ear, which made Trina blush as she hadn't realized that she did that.

"I love you". He smiles kissing her once again on the lips, again and again making her smile and blush altogether.

Derek barges in, panting and looking like he'd been chased by a wild animal.

"I'm sorry to interrupt, but I have vital information". He whisper-yelled still panting, while giving Lawrence a sign that says 'in private'.

"You can say it". He says with a slight nod of his head, and Derek proceeded.

"I found a video of your brother and Vincent having a talk they thought was private". He says and hands a drive to Lawrence which he takes and walks to his laptop immediately.
"I noticed that there wasn't any CCTV on the staircase at the back entrance, so I installed one there, and found this today while scanning through like you told me to". Derek continued, referring to Lawrence.

"Wow, he's the least person I would have suspected". Lawrence whispers as he plays the contents of the drive which really reveals his brother with Vincent and although they were whispering, it was also very clear what they were saying.

DAMIEN (Lawrence's brother): How could you mess it up, a whole hired assassin couldn't capture a little girl?
VINCENT: I hired the best man for the job. Don't talk to me like you hired me, we're partners here.
DAMIEN: Their guard is high right now, so we need to stall for sometime before we actually get her.
VINCENT: you talk like she's the main goal. We could just kidnap and take her so far away, he'll think she's dead.
DAMIEN: No, it must be according to plan. You really think we can hide her from him?
VINCENT: Of course, I have my ways.
DAMIEN: There is no where on earth that we keep her that he won't find her. I know my brother.

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