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3rd person POV

On the way back home, Lawrence checked the tracker he placed in Trina's phone just to see that her location was tricky, she was in the house but not quite.

'I really do hope she's just exploring and that nothing's wrong'. He thought to himself .

"Derek, I need the mansions blue print once we get home". He muttered, as Derek answered with a nod, and immediately started tapping some words on his phone.

Then, a call came in from one of Lawrence's men who was sent to search the Rainers residence for his brother. With Vincent's permission of course.

They're colleagues (friends) now, remember?

"Boss, we can't find Sir Damien. He was not at the Rainers residence".

"Got it, call the unit present at the house and  ask for my baby's whereabouts. Now". Lawrence replies and ends the call.

As much as he doesn't want to believe that Damien is behind all these, he must as he had seen it for himself. His brother had always been the neutral and quiet person in the house. However, his actions were a total contrast to his personality.
Lawrence is already on the edge, knowing that his brother is a smartass when it comes to things like this.

I really hope nothing has happened to my baby

As soon as the car stopped, Lawrence was already halfway to the entrance.

"Trina!". He yells with a booming voice, but got no response.
His mind was already in a haze, thinking of all the things that could have happened to her.
Although he's not sure, he can somehow feel it. That something's wrong and Trina is not fine.

"Damien!". He called again with a booming voice, his men running around on Derek's (the he head security) orders.
"I know you're here. Come out now!". He yells again and this time got a chuckle as a response.
He looked at the direction of the sound and found Damien at the edge of the staircase like he had been there all along.

"Oh baby brother, you know me too well". He smiles, and walks down slowly, adjusting his clothes like he was going for a ball and his date was at the end of the stairs waiting on him.

"Where's Trina?". Lawrence voices out, with a voice that would've compelled anyone to answer but Damien just shook it off, chuckling.
He either seems to take it as a game, or he just doesn't take Lawrence serious.

"You don't scare me Lawrence, you should know that by now. So stop with the authoritative voice and expressions". He smiles, as he pats Lawrence's shoulder. As much as Lawrence wants to hurt him right now, he knows he can't because his baby is captive and he knows that it's Damien's doing.
"You know, I would've expected a punch, or something worse. Why are you doing nothing?". Damien asks, truly confused as to where his hot headed little brother had gone.

"I'm not as predictable as you think. Now, where is Trina, and I want a straight answer". Lawrence replied looking him dead in the eyes, and although Damien would never admit it, he got scared for a second.

"Why would I kidnap her is I was just going to hand her over. That would be very dumb". Damien replies circling the table in front of them with his finger.
"Let's negotiate instead. Give up the business and I'll bring her to you". He said, squinting his eyes to properly see Lawrence's reaction to that negotiation but all he got was Lawrence's laughter.

"You really think you have the upper hand here. That's cute". Lawrence said, smirking and walking a tad bit closer to him.
"Get him" Lawrence ordered his men but before they could run from behind him to get to Damien, they were opposed by other men who ran out from wherever they were and stood behind him, all with weapons.
Among Damien's men were some of Lawrence's. The moles were right before his eyes but he didn't realize.

I've been too trusting He said in his mind.

"Now, what do you say about my offer?". Damien asks, as he pulls out a tablet showing Trina struggling as she was blindfolded and being pushed to face the camera.
He didn't expect that Damien was so prepared and had been prepared for a long time.

"Why did you have to drag Trina into this?". Lawrence ask, his voice breaking as Damien plays a video showing Trina tied up with bruises.

"She's the only weakness you have, and I would do whatever it takes to get what rightfully belongs to me". Damien answers, looking crazed for a second.

"What rightfully belongs to you? The business?". Lawrence asks, genuinely confused as Damien had never once shown interest in anything that has to do with Basma Enterprises. Whenever, their father would ask to be represented by Damien in a meeting, he would always turn it down. Stating I have no interest in the family business. Please send Lawrence

"Yes!. The business. I'm the first son of this family and that business was to be inherited by me, not you!". He yells.

"You were never interested. I had to do your duties because you placed them on me. At 19 years, I had to head a company because my older brother was not interested. I didn't live like a teenager because I was the only hope for the business after father. I worked my a** off to get it to where it is now, and you say it's rightfully yours. Listen to yourself". Lawrence also yells, mad breathes hard after spitting all the words he had always wanted to say to Damien.

"Now, I'm interested and I want what's mine back or else you'll never get what's yours. You can't have everything baby brother. Pick one. The business or Trina". He asks, with a crazy smile and began to laugh hysterically when he saw the scared look that crossed Lawrence's face as a gun was pointed at Trina on the screen.
"I already have orders, once you pick the business. He'll kill her. If you pick her, the business is mine. I'm a mastermind, I know". He said, praising himself and skipping around like a child.
"Tick tock. I don't have all day". He turns to look at Lawrence in anger as Lawrence have not reply.

One thing Damien hates is being ignored as he has always felt ignored in the house. Everyone was always talking about Lawrence.

"Time's up". Damien said and nodded his head which meant that Trina should be killed.

"Wait". Lawrence screams as his heart was beating so fast, it was near impossible.
"I'm sorry brother". Lawrence says as Vincent's men troop in....

Hey guys, this book is about to be completed as I would be posting the last chapter in a few hours. I wanted to finish it earlier in the year but was delayed by school.
I hope you liked this chapter.
Please let me know your thoughts in the comments. Thank you for voting and reading ❤️

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