Like a dream

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It's 2:am and I still am finding it difficult to sleep. Mr. Basma or should I say Lawrence left about an hour ago. He said 'i can't bring myself to leave, can I just stay over?'. He asked but I declined cause I know we ain't just gon sleep.

You know what I'm talking about 😁

Now waking up, it feels like I didn't even sleep at all and funny thing is that I'm not even feeling exhausted or tired. He'll, I'm excited, something that hasn't happened for a while.

I got ready in thirty minutes and got to the office way too easy as I didn't see any employee here. I guess I'm just excited to see him, I thought but was interrupted by a woman's laughter.

I wasn't as early as I thought then.

What I saw next didn't shock me, it just felt like a slap on the face and I deserve it.

I saw 'him' hugging a woman very intimately and kissing both her cheeks. Not being able to look anymore, I just turned and walked towards the elevator, preparing my professional face so I can get by today.

"Trina, I need you in my office, please". He said, how dare he call me by name at work like we have a relationship.

"Yes Sir, you called for me". I said as I stood in front of him. He flashed me a full teeth smile but I couldn't return it even if I wanted so I just awkwardly nod.

"Is everything okay?". He askedz looking concerned.

Concerned my foot. You lying, slimy cheat

Well, we're not in a relationship so he didn't cheat but it felt like it.

"Trina, you there?". He asked, now very close to me. I just nodded and moved back a little, creating space between us.

"Sir, what did you need me for?". O asked in a monotone cause I know it will make him mad and that's just what I want, at least he'll feel a lil what I'm I'm feeling right now.

"Did I do something wrong?. Please just tell why you're giving me the cold shoulder. If it's because I made cook twice yesterday, I'm sorry okay?". He said looking sincere but I'm not buying his act. Can someone give this man an Oscar already?.

"Nothing sir, can I get back to my office now?". I asked looking indifferent.

"Yeah, yeah you can". He said absent-mindly and I  immediately turned and went to my office.

Throughout the day, I saw him several times looking at me but I pretended like I didn't see him and no matter how many times I felt like crying, I held it all in. Just a few more minutes.

"Trina wait!". I heard Lawrence call as I was walking through the car park. I really should get my own car.

"I'll take you home, so maybe then you can tell me what I did to deserve this version of you". He said opening the passenger door for me and I got in without protesting. I want to handle this like an adult.

"So?...". He asked as we got to the front of my apartment.

"Well, I saw you with a woman at the office today. I was excited and all to get to work because that menat I'd see you just to meet you kissing another woman's cheek not even once, twice. It was a slap but I deserve it for being stupid and naive with you, 'again". I said in one breath, I didn't even know when I started crying but I wiped it and proceeded to open the passenger door when I didn't hear anything from him.

He didn't even bother defending himself at all. This shows how much I mean to him.


He stopped me.

"Wait, you didn't even let me speak". He said, holding my hand.
"That was my sister you saw, I'd never do that to you, is that why you've been cold all day? Were you jealous". He asked, smiling widely.

"I need to change, you can come in if you wanna". I said running out of the car and into my apartment feeling embarrassed. Yeah, I was jealous but there's no way I'll admit it to him.

I changed into a comfortable oversized sweater and leggings and went out only to perceive a very inviting aroma. It led me to the kitchen.

Lawrence Basma was cooking in my kitchen. If only I could snap him and use it to brag, and the best part is that he's cooking for me.

This feels like a dream.

"It's ready, you can sit. I'll be serving you today, take this as an apology for making you think something that was not". He said, making me smile. He has been making me smile since my father left. I thought I wasn't gonna have no one but here he is.

He made spaghetti which was amazing, didn't know he could cook.

Doesn't look like it at all.

We finished eating and he cleared the plates and came back to sit next to me on the couch close to me.

"I really care about you Trina. In a way that I never thought was possible. I'm not going just leave you for any other woman. I've met many women but none of them are like you". He says, looking into my eyes. I never thought I'd hear something like this from anyone much less him.

"Thanks, Lawrence". I said as I was short of words.

What do you say when you hear stuff like this.

He leaned in and claimed my lips, groaning like he'd been deprived yet again but stopped abruptly to say.

"You have no idea how long I waited to do this". He said kissing me back, not even tryna hide his groans or moans, I didn't either.


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