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Hi guys, I'm really sorry for the long wait for this chapter, I've been really busy with school but I can promise I won't take long to update again.

Okay, this chapter ain't all that, but it gets better... Thanks for reading, enjoy!!!

Trina's P.O.V (her picture above^^^)

I got home by 6:00am, I looked around and resolved that I am gonna move on, that there's a reason for everything. I start by cleaning the mess I made yesterday. And after about 2 hours, the entire house was clean.

Taking out my laptop, I began to look for job vacancies but most if them were not what I wanted. I saw a few I liked and applied, and was confident that with my CV, I'll get a good job.
After applying to about five (5) companies, I shut down the laptop and went grocery shopping.

Yes, I had money. Not just money for grocery shopping but money my father had been keeping all his life in my name. I'm legal to use it but no, I wanna work for mine.

One week later

I've been sent emails from three (3) of the companies to come for interviews, I've gone for the interviews but haven't received the feedback they promised, this had made me so down and frustrated but I ain't giving up.

I stood up to the sound of the microwave indicating my sandwich had been heated up enough. Eating my sandwich right from the kitchen I heard my Samsung making the sound it makes when there's a new incoming text message, I opened it and found another e-mail from the biggest company I applied that I had already forgotten about, before I opened it to read its content, another e-mail from an almost equally big company I can't believe this! Oh my God! Yes! Yes! Yes! I started squealing to the point you'll think I'm crazy, nah scratch that, I think I'm crazy.

Both the companies wanted me to resume work on Monday and Tuesday respectively without an interview, oh I'm so happy right now!!!. But then there's no one to share this happiness with, well, it's all good.

Its already Sunday today so, I need to start getting ready to start work, but wait...there are two companies, which one am I gonna choose now, both of em are so appealing. On my left there's Crain Industrial Limited and on my right, there's Basma Enterprises.

I look at the Basma card that was delivered earlier, and to say its exquisite is an understatement, so I chose to go there my favourite color is on the card! I guess that's why.

(Monday morning)

I was starting at 8am and as much as I'm not a morning person, I had to wake up by 6:30am. Its presently 7:00 and I'm done with my bath, styling my hair into a bun and applying very light makeup. By 7:30 I'm ready and already in a cab, its a 15minutes ride anyway! I'm so happy its so close and also so dumb I missed a building as breathtaking as this.

"Wow". I breathed out as the cab pulled over in front of the giant black gate.

"Wow, miss your work place is awesome". The driver said to me as I paid and thanked him for the ride.

As he drove off, I walked close to the gate and it opened all on its own 'cool' I thought to myself. I followed a path, walking straight since I saw no one to ask for directions, I thought I was alone until I heard a very deep voice echo a little as he said;

"Hello miss, can you show me your card?". He asked, and u start fiddling with my bag to get it, I initially thought it was just for directions thank God I didn't throw it away but as he came in sight, I almost cowered away in fear, he is huge.

"Here Sir, I came_". I started saying but he stopped me. "This way, miss". He said as he directed me to an elevator, and when it opened, he entered with me, and to say I was scared I was scared is not the word I am terrified.

I mean he could just snap my neck in a second

Is really gonna kill me?

OMG papa , it seems like I'm coming to meet you earlier than expected.

I zoned out, thinking of all the possible ways he could kill me and dispose off my body with ease, until I was brought back to reality by the 'ding' sound of the elevator.

"This way miss". He guided me forward, and to think this office is creepy is an understatement, like where the hell is everyone!!!

This thought was cut short as he opened a door and everywhere was so busy, with people, the sound of papers and the strong scent of ink lingered in my nostrils for a while till we passed through there ugh where's this man taking me. My feet hurts already with these heels.

"Here's your office miss". He said bringing me out is my trance for the hundredth time today (note the exaggeration). Then I remembered that he didn't tell me what  I'd be doing, just that I noticed we've left the other department, so I asked.

"Sir, what am I to do here?". I asked skeptical that he'd answer me since he's been saying nothing MRE than 'this way miss', but to my surprise, he answered.

"You're the accountant to the CEO". He said,and as he was about to leave, I asked another question that just popped into my head.

" the CEO or to the company?, I don't understand, there's supposed to be just accountants for the company and not an individual". I said, and he smiled.

"The CEO likes to know the accounts of the company but he hates math, so he needs someone to do the math and deliver. You'd be lucky if you work here for 3 months". He smiled again and turned to leave but I stopped him with yet another question.

"What do you mean?". I asked cos I was totally confused now.

"You'll find out why I said so... Soon enough".

Is my CV the problem or the CEO or this strange company.

Who's this CEO?


Please kindly vote and comment. It makes my day and drives me to write more... See y'all soon!

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