The Rescue

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Lawrence's P.O.V

I can't seem to find her and to say I'm frustrated would be an understatement. I've been going crazy, I can't sleep, I can't sit still or stand still.
Every moment I feel like something is happening to her and I can't stand that thought.

"Lawrence, you need to eat. She wouldn't want to see you like this". My mother says from the door. I specifically told my men to keep her out of this. They're good for nothing.

"Mom, I- i...". I tried to form a sentence but she beat me to it.

"I know that you didn't want me to know about this but how do you expect to go through this alone, you always want to do everything yourself. You have us, and we're with you every step of the way,okay?". She smiled and placed her hand on my shoulder and although I don't know how to show it, I'm so grateful right now.

Then my brother, sister and Father, yes I mean Mr Basma, my 'i don't care about anything or anyone' father is here also.

Before I had time to react to all of them being here together and supporting me, I got a beep which means that the tracker had located Trina.
I went outside with a speed I didn't know I possesed.
"Attention everyone, gather yourselves immediately head to my apartment in 15 minutes. I have her location". I said and saw that my brother was listening in. No way in he*l is he coming with me.

"Don't even bother, you can't change my mind. I'm coming with". He said and I know better than trying to change a Basma's mind. The strong-headedness is in the blood.

In fifteen minutes, we were on the way to rescue my baby. Please let her be safe.

"So, um, what's the plan". Damien asks, and there's no plan, I just wanna get there, blast the whole place and get my baby back.

"There's none". I growled out, knowing I should have one, but I can't think right now.

"We don't need angry you now, okay. Don't worry, I'll make the plans. You just focus on finding Trina because I'm sure he's waiting for us, and very prepared". Damien said and then looked over at my personal bodyguard who is the head of my team.

I didn't hear anything they talked about maybe because they talked in hushed whispers or maybe because I just wasn't listening.

We got there and I was ready to jump out of the car but was held back by Damien grabbing my arm.

"Would you calm the f**k down? You'll get us all killed with this attitude". He whispers yelled, and I just had to calm down for her

"So what's the plan now?". I asked pushing my hands through my hair, making it messier than it looks but I don't care about my hair at the moment.

"We'll go through the back and front door...". He said and I growled out cause according to the blueprint, there's only the front and back door.

"Then where do I go through". I said, absolutely seething and impatient she's in front of me and I'm being held back.

"Calm down! Da**it". Damien growls back and if not for the present situation I'd have taken it up, no one growls at me.
"There's a tunnel, by the left side of the building, that's where you'll go through. They'll never expect that". He said and before he delved into further explanation I got out of the car signalling 10 men, to follow me.

Getting into the tunnel turned out to be a hassle due to the unexpected number of guards there and although I didn't wanna make a noise, I had to pull the trigger once.

I got in and found a staircase, on getting to the top of the staircase, I heard shuffles coming from the room with a blue door, and I went towards the door, two very hefty men approached me, but I still had ten men with me so I left them to deal with the two and proceeded to the door.

Surprisingly, it was unlocked. I pushed it open cautiously and I saw her, yes my baby Trina is in front of me.
I took in her appearance and it looks like she'd been crying, but before I dwelled on that she had a started look all of a sudden and looked behind me, so I knew that someone was definitely at my back, but then it happened so fast.

I see her run towards me and not a second later, I heard a gun shot.

"No, no, no! no!!!". I screamed on top my lungs cause I didn't feel any pain and Trina was on me unconscious. I heard a siren in a distance but I think it's the police, I dialed for an ambulance, and carried her in my arms and found my way to the front door.

"Shh, please don't talk, save your strength". I said and a tear I didn't know I still possessed fell from my eyes.
"Please stay with me, Please!". I cried out desperately as it seemed like her eyes were about to close but then Damien came and tried to take her from me.

"Don't touch her". I growled out, no one is taking my baby from me.

"I-i w-want to s-sleep". She said in a very small voice that just broke my heart more.

"No, please don't sleep, okay?". I said, my eyes blurry no matter how I try to get them clear so I can see her well.

A man in white clothing came and tried to carry her but I pushed him away, others came and tried to take get but I couldn't let them.

"No! No!. Please don't take her, please! Damien do something, they're taking her. Let me go!". I yelled and pushed but their hold on me was too tight until everything became black.


Here's another chapter guys.

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Please stay safe❤️.

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