Meeting the Basmas

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Hello, if you want the next chapter to be in Lawrence's point of view, tell me in the comment section cause i wanna write his next but I thought I should ask about what you want also.

"The Rainers? Who are they?". I asked Jace but he just looked away like it was a forbidden subject.

"It's not my story to tell Trina, excuse me for a minute". He says and walks out making me frustrated who are these rainers?

"They are bad news, that's all you need to know". Lawrence said with his blank facial mask back on but that just made me angry.

"So you're not going to tell me about them, when it's obvious that they are dangerous and could harm me? Do I look like a baby to you?. I need to know". I said without taking a breath, I really need to know so I can protect myself right?

Or was I too forward?

"You don't understand, if I tell you about them, you'll be harmed so just drop it". He said with a harsher tone and although I'm more furious I calm down.

"Okay then, fine". I said and he looked taken aback by my response, but his faced also shows deep concern and he walks up to me.

"I'm sorry but I can't tell you, please understand. I can't loose you". He spoke in a soft tone.

But what he said next made me really curious. "I can't loose anyone else to them". He said with conviction and finality evident in his voice. I have a lot of questions for him but I know he won't answer any of them so I just put them aside for another day.

"Jace told you about my family wanting to meet you, right?". He asked knowing fully well how I feel about that.

"Yes, he did". I answered with a nod and my eyes focused on the fingers on my lap.

"I know you're not comfortable with it but you need to come with me. It's an opportunity to introduce you to them as my girlfriend". He placed his hand on my chin lift my head up and kissed

I missed him, his lips, his cologne, his minty breath. EVERYTHING.

"Would you come with me?". He asked, with a horrible attempt at puppy dog eyes.

"No". I replied just to make him work harder to convince me but what he did next almost had me burst out laughing.

"Pleaseeee, baby, darling, sweetheart, my heartbeat, princess?". The last word made me smile and he laughed.
"So you like to be called a princess, that's not a problem, you're my princess". He said and I cringed making him laugh harder.

"That's so cheesy Lawrence. I'll go". I smiled at him and he returned it.

The main question I wanted to ask him was why he didn't call, text, or even come over during the past week but I'll let it slide, I'll get another chance to ask.
We're apparently a few minutes away from Lawrence's family house and with the thought that all the Basma's will be there is making my hands all sweaty and my nerves skyrocketing.

"It's fine, I'll be there". He assured me and I let my worries relax.

We got to his house and make, this house is too good to comprehend, the exterior is lovely with the little rosses planted but the interior is not inferior in any way, with the structure of the house being so perfect I'm wondering who the architect was.

"Hi Lawrence". An unearthly beautiful older lady came out to hug Lawrence and I'm guessing she's his mother cause her little laugh exposes her age as the wrinkles on the eyes get visible with her smile.

"Hi Mom". He said curtly.

"Is this who I think it is?". He nodded to her and she replied

"Yes Mom, she's Trina". He introduced and I stretched out my hand to her to complete the introduction but she just looked at my outstretched hand and walked in.

We both walked in after her with Lawrence rubbing my back to comfort me but I'm perfectly fine as I wore my big girl pants before I left home.

"Yo bro, what's up"?". Lawrence's brother asked descending from the stair case with my favorite person in the whole family, Claire. I see her a lot as she's always in a commercial or an interview, to say she's pretty would be an understatement. I just hope she doesn't hate me too.

We had been eating for a few minutes when his sister gasped and asked.

"Trina is that dress from fashionova". She asked looking so excited and I replied.

"Yes, I love how unique the design and style is". I said not bothering to ask how she knew it was fashionova cause everyone knows fashionova but what she said next surprised me.

"I'm one of fashionova's stylists and I styled the dress you're putting on". She said with a proud face but then how impressive can this family be? Isn't she just nineteen?

"Welcome dear". A middle aged man whom I'm guessing is Lawrence's father said walking towards me and have me a hug that felt really warm and nice.

"Thank you sir". I replied smiling at his friendliness but it seems like Lawrence and his father don't have a good relationship as they just ignored each other and the tense atmosphere was very obvious. Even to a stranger like me.

"Oh, don't stop on my account, please continue eating". He said going back upstairs, I'd have asked him to join us but Lawrence's mother's death glare had been on me the whole day so I just left it.

"Trina, I wanna ask you a question". His mother started but asked anyways.
"Is this how you trap Rich men, you set up a photographer so both your pictures can be taken and then he'll have no other choice but to be with you, wow, you're a smart girl, I'll give you that". She said smirking a little to the left, and truth be told, these world hurt like hell but I wasn't expecting roses at his house so I suck it up.

"Mom, how can you say that. We both know she is very uncomfortable about that subject, and you're insinuating that it's a staged act?. Please stop, I know you've been giving her death glares since they arrived. It's not fair". Lawrence's sister said as she stood up and left the dining room i feel like I made her leave her meal, the guilt adding to the horrible feeling at the pit of my stomach.

"When you suggested I should bring her, I thought you just wanted to see who she was but you had other plans. Trina let's go". He says but as hurt as I am, I'm going to see this through to the end.

"I can't just leave like this, your dad was really nice to me. Can I say goodbye to him and your sister first?". I replied in a very soft tone as I felt that I could burst into tears any minute if my voice just falters a little.

"Okay". He whispered caressing my face, and I can see that he's saying sorry even with his eyes.

I didn't know that meeting the Basma's would be this hard. Yes I thought even if a few or one person hated me I'll be able to deal with it but it ain't easy to deal with it when it's his mother.

I'll change her perspective of me. I have to.


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