Waking Up

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I moved over to the bed holding Kokichi's pajamas in my hand. He just laid down on the bed and he honestly looked adorable with the smile he was wearing...so I decided that helping him in this sense, even if he could do this himself, is bearable because I love him.

"Kokichi can you put these on for me?" I asked gently, making him perk up a bit. "Oh~ Shumai~ That's so dirty of you!" He teased making me embarrassed.

"K-kokichi...that's not what I meant..." I whispered before he laughed more. "Nishishi~ You still get so embarrassed~" He said before getting up and getting changed without another word.

"But that look on your face is adorable~ So I will let it slide~" He said putting a finger to his lips before he moved into his bed on the bottom bunk. I smiled softly when he moved the blanket out of the way and held out his arms to me. It was a kind gesture and made my heart want to stop in my chest because of how it made me feel.

My face was already burning out of embarrassment...and now my heart seemed like it would malfunction because of how embarrassed he was able to make me in such a short span of time. I shook my head a bit as Kokichi waved his arms a bit. "Stop zoning out and hold meeee-" He whined, making me blush a bit more before I moved over to the bed.

I slowly got in beside him and held him close to me. "Sorry, I'm here now." I whispered moving a bit closer to him as he wrapped his arms around me. "No worries Shu~ you are here now so all is forgiven~ and because you are cute I will never be angry with you~" I blushed at this statement and pulled back to look at him.

"Because you love me...right?" I asked, feeling a little self conscious. It was an odd feeling being in a relationship with Kokichi. One moment you feel like you are on top of the world before you are back to being confused about how well you even know him in the end. My heart is always beating so fast while he is around that it almost feels as though my whole body is in a tormenting storm, except not torture torment...but embarrassing torment.

"Of course Shu~ I love you more than anything~" He said moving closer to me before cupping my cheeks with his hands. "So you don't have to worry, this won't change no matter what happens" He moved his head closer to mine so our foreheads were touching. My heart skipped a beat at this...almost like it hiccuped at the action.

"I will love you always." He cooed a bit before kissing my cheeks. His lips slowly grazed my ear as he whispered another "I love you Shu~" into my ear making me even more embarrassed. I felt so uncomfortable when I was blushing in front of others, but somehow since it was with him...it didn't feel as bad, more endearing and full of love instead of him just trying to embarrass me to embarrass me...while he does do that quite frequently...in this moment he seemed to be in a more non teasing mood and it made me feel safe with blushing in front of him.

"But you seem exhausted so let's get you some rest" He said gently moving to hold his hand over my eyes to gently close them. I smiled at this and moved my arms around him to pull him closer to me. "Thank you...for everything Kokichi." I said before he kissed my lips.

"Get some rest, love." Was the last thing I heard before I was out.




I slowly woke up and looked down at Kokichi who was still fast asleep next to me. I smiled and slowly moved my hand up to gently caress the back of his neck. It was about 30 minutes before we had to wake up so...best to ease him awake before then. "Koki," I whispered into the quiet of the room. I found it interesting how quiet the room gets when Kokichi is asleep or out of the room. It's honestly lonely when he is...because his voice is so energetic that it always makes me so happy. It helps me to remember how much he loves me in all these little moments we have with each other.

After all these years of not having great friends having Kokichi in my life is the best thing I could ever ask for. He is all the things I never thought I wanted but needed more than anything. He is able to make me feel more confident in myself.

"Mngh...Shumai.." He whispered moving closer to me as he nuzzled his face into my neck. This just made my face get even hotter than it was before. Why is he so cute?

"Koki, it's almost time to wake up," I said softly, making sure to rub his back and his shoulders to try to get him to wake up. He slowly opened his eyes and looked at me. "I don't wanna~" He said, moving closer to me to cuddle me again. This made me embarrassed...but I knew waking him up kindly before the alarm went off would be better for him.

"But Kokichi?" I asked moving so I could look him in the eyes. He looked really tired and I felt bad that I was going to have to be the one to wake him up...because I wanted him to be able to feel well rested...

"Fine~ I can wake up~" He said groaning as he left the bed after moving over across me to get out of the bunk bed. I frowned a bit at the loss of touch...did I make him angry with me...?

-Finally back to writing this story! Being able to write today was nice and this always makes my heart feel warm-


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