Why do you lie?

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"Well, um," Fuck...what am I supposed to say? I can't lie because I have this damn lie detector on...I should just tell him...Jesus why does this have to be so hard. "I don't like the truth," I said feeling my hands start to shake. I could tell he noticed because he held my hands in his own. This is not how I expected this to go.

"Why don't you like the truth?" He asked. I noticed that he sometimes lied to his friends...but I never said anything because I know he said them for a reason. So it didn't bother me that much that he was asking because I know he knows that lies and truth are both important.

"Because..." I paused putting my head down to hide my face from him. I feel sick. I haven't had to tell anyone these things before...especially with a lie detector on... "People always lied to me...and they were never honest with me...it was always just easier for me to tell people lies because I know that they didn't want to hear the truth...so I always lied. To everyone and people don't like liars...so most people avoid me anyway...so I don't like having to be honest to anyone...including myself..." The lie detector didn't buzz...but I kind of hoped it did so I could just laugh and say it's a lie! Because it's so much easier to lie.

"Kokichi, I had no idea you felt that way." He pulled me into another hug and started to rub my back. I felt myself relax before I flinched. This could all be some joke...a game he is playing with me to see how vulnerable. I can't believe that I actually- "I want you to know that I know what you mean. People have never been honest with me either. I always think others are lying to me now...so I know what you mean." He held my face in his hands before kissing my lips before pulling back and revealing his flustered face.

"I want you to know I have always wanted to be honest with you but I was afraid of judgment and rejection." He put his head on my shoulder to hide his face. "Well, I'm glad my beloved Shuichi wanted to be honest with a liar like me..." I whispered feeling a wave of emotions come over me. I let a few silent tears fall down my cheeks before I composed myself.

"We were playing confession session yeah? Any other questions you would like to ask me? The one and only Kokichi Ouma?" I wiggled my eyebrows at him and poked his cheek making him blush. He is just so adorable! I mean what is this angel?! 

"I-I was a-also w-wondering if you wanted to be my boyfriend?!" He stuttered and covered his face with his hands. I pulled his hands off his face and kissed him before nodding. "Yeah, I kinda just assumed we were you know~ Because you kissed me earlier~," I teased making him pull me closer to him to hide his face again.

"Shuichi you are absolutely adorable! I love how flustered my beloved gets when I barely even tease him," I let myself melt into the embrace. Even though Shuichi looks super uptight and as if he never has relaxed once in his life he is so comfortable to hug! Why haven't I figured this out before? I would have totally hugged him before now! I mean not that I haven't...but I always pulled away and said it's a lie right afterward...so...there's that...

"So should we get out homework done or-" "No! I want to cuddle with my boyfriend! You can't make me!" I shouted cutting him off before cuddling into him. I could tell this was making him flustered and it made me feel so good knowing I could make him even more flustered now. I can also see the reactions he doesn't let anyone else see! This can be fun!

"Hey!" I gasped when he picked me up and brought me over to the couch. "I just wanted to make you more comfortable...the couch is way more comfortable than that chair," He whispered into my ear. I didn't say anything I just sighed and nuzzled into his neck as he slowly laid down on the couch. I was laying on top of him while his arms wrapped around me and one of his hands went to pet my hair. 

"So, do you want to tell anyone about us?" Shuichi asked making me chuckle under my breath. "Don't worry about it so much! I won't tell anyone unless you want them to know! I know Kaito and Maki aren't the fondest of me...so it's your choice!" I said planting kisses all over his face. "I'm alright with whatever you want to do! Because now I get to do this with my beloved Shuichi~!" I said in between kisses. 

He blushed and pulled my head down into his chest. "Shuichi!" I gasped trying to get out of his hold. "Sorry, I just feel embarrassed..." He whispered placing a gentle kiss on my forehead. "Well, it's not fair! That you get to kiss me whenever you want to because your tall and I can't because I'm shorter than you!" I huffed and buried my face into his chest. 

"Well, I don't know what I can do about that..." He let his head lay against the couch. After a few moments, I heard quiet snores leaving his lips. He is always super tired. I always try to get him to go to bed so he won't be hella tired in the morning but he is stubborn...and he has mentioned before he is anxious about sleeping. He never really told me why. I am kind of a heavy sleeper...sometimes.

"Kokichi, I want you to be honest with me...it hurts me when you hang around the others...I want you to stay with me..." Shuichi whispered in his sleep. He must be a sleep-talker then. Not that I'm complaining people are usually more honest when they are sleeping. 

I love you Shuichi. I nuzzled into his chest before letting my eyes slip closed.

-Here is today's update! Thank you all so much for reading!-


The Lies That Cover The Truth [Oumasai/Saiouma]Where stories live. Discover now