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"Well Maki...I have to go, my mother is calling me." Kaede said with a sad smile. Maki didn't want to press her about the matter so she ended up just smiling at her. "Thank you for teaching me how to play the piano,"

"Yes, of course anytime! You can always just call or message me," She collected her things and left the room leaving Maki alone at the piano. Maki looked over the keys feeling a little happy that she was able to understand something important to Kaede. Her hand moved before she could stop it and she placed her hands on the keys, playing some of the notes she had just learned.

"Hmm hmm mm," Maki hummed while playing the little chorus that Kaede had shown her. She was a fast learner and it was nice to be able to play something that her good friend had taught her. She sat at the piano moments later to remember the moment, playing the song that reminded her of Kaede.


I walked home by myself. I hated having to leave so abruptly because my mother would not stop calling me...I was just going to leave it be, but then my father called and I knew it was serious.

They have been controlling my life forever and I need to cut some of the strings they have attached to me. I can do this!

The way home was uneventful. My mind was racing and going through all the things that could have possibly made both of my parents call me after school. Sure I was not home quite some time after school ended...but I feel as though I always end up staying after school to be able to play the piano.

I love playing the piano. I mean just look at my ultimate talent. I am the ultimate pianist...so I almost have an expectation from others that I have to enjoy playing the piano.




The front door brought this aura to me. I sensed danger...which means that something is going to happen. Or maybe it's just another dumb thing my mother told my father about so he would become angry with me--and then my restrictions would be more intense as he would be monitoring me more harshly.

I shook my head so I didn't get ahead of myself. 'I'm sure it will be just fine,' I thought to myself, opening the door and walking into the house. I took off my shoes and bag, placing them both beside the door on the mat. I moved farther into the house hearing my parents speaking to each other in the kitchen.

As soon as I closed the door their conversation stopped. The same as my heart in that moment.

"Kaede, I need to speak with you." My father spoke from the kitchen. I felt nervous already. Did he notice that I have been making friends and being happy...I know that wouldn't make him super happy. He wants me to be more serious about everything.

"Yes sir?" I asked moving into the kitchen. My heart dropped right when I saw my mother and father standing next to each other.

"What is the meaning of this?" He held up my report card. I forgot about that...I feel like I have been doing better since I have been having friends. Isn't that what they wanted?

"I have been working harder to get better grades," I said, trying to keep my tone calm. The last thing I would want is to escalate this.

"But that's not who you are." My mother spat. I flinched at her tone.

'Here we go again.' I rolled my eyes a bit. "But mother...I have been getting better grades and making sure to still focus on the piano, just as you asked." I bowed my head a bit seeing her glare become more intense. It must have been the eye roll..it's always the sarcasm of my body language that I have a horrible time controlling...

The Lies That Cover The Truth [Oumasai/Saiouma]Where stories live. Discover now