Finishing the Project

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The day was uneventful as always. Going to classes where I would jot down notes while Kokichi was looking bored as hell...I didn't blame him though, I hate having to go to school every day.

Kokichi looks even more tired then he usually seems today. I mean if anyone he knows walks up to him he would smile and spout as many lies as he usually would...but then after he just seemed tired...

Did my sleep talking wake him up? I really hope it didn't...because he needs sleep just as much as I do...I'm sure he wouldn't say anything about it because he doesn't want me to feel guilty about it.

Even though he always is telling everyone how evil and heartless he is...I know better than anyone that this isn't true. He cares about everyone and wants to be able to help them because he sees himself as a leader and takes it upon himself to make it easier for others. It's really endearing to me. It makes me feel safer knowing he is there for me...but I also hate how when he isn't taking care of himself because he feels the need to take care of everyone else before himself...

"Shu...I want to take a nap..." I heard Kokichi mumble from beside me. I wanted to let him take a nap...I was already letting him rest his head on my arm. But we do have the final steps on the project today after this period, so it would be best to try to make it through the rest of the day.

"We just have the rest of this period and then next period before you can go and take a nap, ok?" I questioned making him sluggishly nod against my shoulder. I don't think he had anything to eat today that must be making him even more tired...on our date later I'm going to make sure he eats.

The entirety of the period was me occasionally taking notes while Kokichi kept bobbing his head as he was falling asleep. I kept nudging him now and again to try and keep him awake...but eventually I just let him rest for a moment.

"Shuichi~ you were zoning out again~," Kokichi cut my thoughts short as he poked my cheek. I flinched because of how sudden it was but turned to face him.

"That was the bell, we should get going~ we have that project we need to finish~," He added one of his signature laughs as he got up. He seemed better rested but I could still tell he definitely needed more sleep.

I held his hand while we walked through the halls. It was calming and I could feel myself zone out again as we walked. My thoughts immediately strayed to all the times me and Kokichi have had since we have been together.

Every time we have held hands

Every kiss

Every time he teases me

Morning and nighttime cuddles

And all of these memories made me love him even more. I smiled to myself before we made it to our last period. Kaito and Maki were already sitting in our spot talking to each other. I felt a little awkward because they were already talking but then Kaito saw me walk toward the table with Kokichi.

"Sidekick! Are you ready to finish this project so we can present it tomorrow?" Kaito exclaimed loud as ever. Kokichi just gave him a small glare which he returned. I closed my eyes for a moment with a small sigh. I guess they are never going to be able to get along...

"Yeah, we just have a couple more things we need to do right?" I said regaining my composure.

"Yeah! If you guys got your part done! Then all we have to do is get the slides put together and make sure we have the citations done correctly!" Maki looked up from her computer and gave me a small nod. I walked over to my seat still holding onto Kokichi's hand.

I opened my computer and went to the shared presentation...I hate having to go up in front of the class to just talk...I hope Kaito and Maki will take over as they usually do. I'm also sure Kokichi knows I'm uncomfortable about I can talk to him about it later.

"Shuichi! You did really well on the slides they look nice~," I could tell Kokichi was teasing me but I didn't mind it too much. I worked on most of the citations and look for our slides while Kokichi did the writing and the words. I was really surprised at how much I underestimated him.

"You did great as well Kichi, you wrote it in a great way it amazes me how you always seem to surprise me," I poked his cheek and I saw a small blush on his cheeks before it went away. He always hides how me is feeling...I wish I could just see him blush as I do in public when he teases me.

"Aww, thanks my beloved~ you are so kind~," Kokichi went back to proofreading the text while I went to talk to Kaito again.

"Hey, Kaito I was wondering if you and Maki would like to go on a group date with me and Kokichi later?" I wanted to say something else...but he responded before I got the chance.

"Yeah! That sounds like a great plan sidekick! What do you say Maki-Roll?" He said turning around to face Maki for a moment. She blushed a bit before giving him a small nod. I'm sure she has a thing for him. I mean it's so obvious...but Kaito is kind of a dumbass when it comes to things like I feel bad for her.

"Alright, um, I'll text you the details after class," I moved back to my spot next to Kokichi and he seemed really energetic all of a sudden...then I saw a bottle of Panta poking out of his bag. This all makes sense now...

-We love Maki...but sadly Kaito is questionable...haha...anyway! I'm just being stupid again! Thank you all so much for reading!!-


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