Midnight Thoughts

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Shuichi's POV
All night my thoughts go crazy. I don't know what it is about any of this but I have never been great at sleeping. Always thinking about the worst...my thoughts always coming back to haunt me.

Every memory I have had in my life always comes back to me...every failure, every mistake, every wrongdoing...from other people or myself. It's what I call flashbacks. I have them all the time, they mostly happen later in the day or at night...I haven't mentioned this to Kokichi or anyone for that matter.

This night was another one of those occurrences. I woke up for a start and Kokichi was no longer in my arms...but that wasn't the only thing that was off. I wasn't even in my dorm room anymore.

"What the-" I was cut off when I heard walking outside of the door. I put two hands over my mouth.

What's going on?! I tried my best to calm myself down. It's best not to get super worried in these situations. It must be a flashback or some serious full-body experience in a dream.

"Shuichi~," I covered my mouth tighter knowing exactly who it was. I felt tears come to my eyes. Joelle? I haven't seen her since...

"Shuichi this is where you were hiding!" She laughed and pulled me up before pulling me into her arms. I tightly hugged her letting more tears come out of my eyes.

"Shuichi? What's going on with you? Did you have a hard day again?" She pulled back and held my face in her hands. I shook my head quietly making her confused look turn into a frown.

"No," I didn't trust my voice so I decided that staying quiet was best until I calmed down.

"You are acting like you haven't seen me in years?" She gave a small frown again before she just looked at me again.

"I-I," What she said is true...around April of last year she passed on...she isn't a real living person...just one of my hallucinations. But she is so real to me...she was my only friend when I was younger.

"I see, something must have happened. But don't tell me because I'm sure it's something that happens later on," She looked down at her feet for a moment before brushing her hair over her shoulder with her hand.

She has always looked beautiful. But I never really would say that I liked her in the same way I love Kokichi. She is like a big sister to me, always being there when I need her, always being my only real family.

She has long black hair with her blue eyes. She was more tan than I was because her brother is always hanging out with her outside while I just stay inside. She doesn't tag along while I go to school because then people would be confused about why I was just talking to myself.

The first time I found out that she wasn't a real person is when I was playing in the field with her when I was younger and my parents walked up to me. They asked who I was talking to and I tried to tell them about her and her brother...but they couldn't see them...

After this event took place I knew that I couldn't tell people about it. Because when anyone found out they thought I was crazy...or they were too afraid and told other people to avoid me...and they went to all extents to make sure that would happen.

"Hey! Jordin's waiting for us in the field, come on!" She pulled me out of my old house and rushed over to the field of flowers that was down a couple of blocks from my house. Conveniently it was night time and most people weren't out. I also have found that I am happier in the night, I have more energy, and I just have more motivation to do anything.

"Oh alright!" I gasped as she dragged me. I was glad no one was out. Because even though I can feel and see her they can't do they can just see me with my hand held out as I run down the block...so yeah...

"Hey, Shuichi!" Jordin ran over to me and gave me a hug. I felt myself smile again. Both of these people left my life last year...and I needed to see them again.

"ShuShu!" Kokichi ran up from behind me catching me off guard. When I heard his voice I was wondering if it could be real...but when I turned around it was really him, well, the real him in this confusing situation.

"Kokichi?!" I jumped when he started running away from me.

"Wait!" I rushed after him and we all started to play a game of tag. It was just like old times.

Late at night, I would leave my house to go to the field and hang out with them. It always made my days better and helped me to deal with my bad insomnia.

"Haha, Shuichi you got me," Kokichi was laying next to me on the grass while we were all breathing heavily. We would always do this when I was younger while we all caught our breath. Just sitting in the grass and gazing up at the stars.

"Yeah, I guess I did," We all laughed as it faded to black. I immediately felt someone poking my face.

"What?!" I jumped a bit and opened my eyes a little abruptly. This made my head start pounding within seconds.

I groaned and held my head with my hand. Kokichi was laying on my chest while giving me a confused glance before he became worried.

"Are you ok? You were mumbling in your sleep," He looked to the side with a small blush on his face.

What did I say?

"S-Sorry for making you worry," I felt a little guilty about it but didn't let that make me have more worries this morning.

"So, um, what did I say when I was asleep..." I wasn't going to ask but I was way too curious about it.

"You just kept saying Joelle and my name occasionally, who is this Joelle person?" He said giving me a kind smile. I could tell he was jealous about it...

"The short story is she is my sister," I tried to not make it seem like I was a big thing...because it's too early to know if he will freak out about this or not.

"But I thought you are an only child?" He held himself up on his elbows with a concerned glance...I could still sense some jealousy in his eyes.

"So you want the long story," I sighed and held his cheek in my hand. Might as well be honest...because he would know if I was lying anyway...

-Sorry, today I have been having flashbacks again...and my ex friend is well...I don't know at this point. Anyway, thank you all so much for reading!!-


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