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"Shuichi? Odd seeing you here..." Ryoma softly spoke from where he was sitting at the windowsill. He was smoking while the window was open and the female holding Shuichi made eye contact with him. In that moment Ryoma put his cigarette in the dish making sure to extinguish the flame before speaking again.

"Ah my rose, I'm assuming you found him on your walk back from class?" His words were endearing and it was odd to Shuichi when he heard his words so soft and kind. He was used to his normal tone that the tone he used with "Rose" was confusing to him. But then he remembered that he does the same with Kokichi. When it's him and Kokichi and even when he speaks to Kokichi he notices that his tone changes.

"Yes, he ran into me and he seemed distressed. I was going to push him away and ask him to state his business before I noticed two things. One he was crying his eyes out and he looked like that boy you were telling me about who was dating Kokichi, so knowing it was one of your friends I decided to take him with me." She smiled softly and helped Shuichi move into a chair as his tears slowed down. He seemed to calm down from just being around other people other than the ones who were definitely going to get up in his face for what he did.

"And that was right of you to do...I think Kaede is planning something." Shuichi perked up hearing Kaede's name...that must have been why Kaede messaged him about meeting up...and he thinks he remembered it being close to the location Kokichi's father wanted to meet him...to 'talk about how he is dating his son' or something...definitely something...

"Kaede is planning something?" Shuichi asked, feeling exhausted as the words left his lips. "Yes...I heard her talking to her other friends in gym. I was there because we are in the same class...but I heard her talking about how she wanted to 'get back at you because you wanted another person than her'." Rose paused taking a breath.

"But..." She looked to the side letting her hand move to play with the charm on her necklace. "I knew she must have been talking about you and Kokichi dating...I could tell she wanted to date you more for the fact of how well she believed you look together-" She cut herself off before she could say anymore.

"Are you...why would she?" Shuichi asked, feeling more tears come to his eyes. Rose frowned a bit at this before she moved her hand to gently rub his back as he let the tears out. "It's okay...she is the most toxic girl I have ever met in my lifetime...so please don't let her actions get to you." Her voice made him feel better about the situation. 'Yeah...why should I let her control my life? That's all she has ever wanted to do to me...be in control so she can feel more power over me.' He thought to himself calming his tears down.

"I think the best course of action is to get Rantaro and Kokichi here to discuss this." Ryoma had his phone out and was ready to send out a message to them. He looked over at Shuichi knowing that he was over here because something must have happened between him and Kokichi. Shuichi felt more tears coming to his eyes as his hands trembled in his lap.

What if he hates me? What if he DIED?!

No no...don't think like that. Kokichi is strong and Rantaro is there with him...I presume anyway. I did see some green and blue before I rushed out of the room. But that's beside the point...can I handle seeing him again after what I did to him?

"I can...I can handle it. You can message him." He said, looking up at Ryoma wiping his tears with his sleeve. Ryoma nodded and moved to send the message. "Okay, just know we are here beside you," Rose said giving Shuichi a smile.

"Thank you guys...sorry about all of this-" Before he could finish his sentence Rose gently put her hand on his knee, cutting his words off. "No no, don't say sorry," She shook her finger before poking his cheek.

"You haven't done anything wrong, this is Kaede just being the toxic person she is..." Rose whispered and Ryoma frowned a bit. Because of this reaction, Shuichi realized that Kaede must have done something to Rose or Ryoma before..he just cringed at this wondering why she would target two kind-hearted people.

"Okay they will be over soon-" Ryoma said before there was a knock at the door. Rose moved to answer it before she even answered. "That must be the-"

"Shuichi! Oh my god!!" Kokichi was panicking and Shuichi smiled softly seeing his boyfriend moving over to him. "I'm sorry for the way I acted....I should have been better." He said sheepishly. "Can you ever forgive me...?"

Shuichi moved to hold Kokichi close to him before holding him in his lap. Kokichi moved to sit in his lap and wrap his arms and legs around him to hug him. "You don't even have to apologize, if anything I was the one who hurt you..." Shuichi whispered, moving his hand to gently touch the side of the bandage wrapped around Kokichi's head.

"Ah, this? It was just the floor," He whispered with a small laugh. Shuichi smiled and let his head nuzzle into his shoulder. Happy that Kokichi wasn't mad at him and that he was able to hold him like this again.

The Lies That Cover The Truth [Oumasai/Saiouma]Where stories live. Discover now