Shuichi and Kokichi

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Over the next couple of weeks Kaede ended up taking a 180. Going from her old behavior and she just seemed overall happier. Shuichi was happy about this--even though he could tell that Kokichi probably would never forgive her for that night...but all in all, things were turning around for the better.


Okay okay...damn another school year is coming to a close, how odd is it that it feels as though no time passed at all while at the same time everything feels so fast. Regardless of that...crazy news, my beloved Shumai wants to come out to his uncle! He never really officially came out...even though he tried countless times. But this time I will be by his side the whole time to help him come out to his uncle as his boyfriend!

"Shumai!" I called out seeing Shuichi looking through the photos in his phone that he and I took together over the time we have been together. Crazy to think it has only been 7 months since we first got together. It always surprises me that he ended up choosing me of all people--but I mean I am the supreme leader! So who better to be dating an ultimate detective?

"Yes, Kokichi? Why are you yelling...I'm right here?" He seemed confused and honestly it was adorable to me. I skipped over to where he was sitting at the table and took the seat next to him. "Soooo~ I see my beloved is looking through his photos~ have you been taking dirty photos Shumai~? I thought I knew you!" I gasped in a playful sense. He rolled his eyes.

"I'm just going through the album of photos that I made. It's all the pictures we have taken together since we have been together," He said with a smile. I smiled back at him. "God you are still so cheesy~," I said, poking his cheek. He smirked a bit as a blush tainted his cheeks.

"You know you love it," His matter-of-fact tone took me off guard. Damn...that was- unfairly attractive. "Well, I guess you could say that you big nerd!" I laughed, feeling the blush that was threatening to come to my cheeks vanish in an instant. Shuichi sighed to himself and went back into the images on his phone.

I kept my mouth shut as I looked at his phone over his shoulder. It was a picture of the picnic we all went on before we decided to all work together to set up Nagito and Hajime, because god we all knew that they both needed that! It was odd to see these as memories already even though I remember it as if it happened yesterday.

The odd thing about images and memories is how well they can be connected. You don't need a movie or a video to remind you of the time that the picture was taken. Almost like it is able to tell the whole story without saying a just being an image we can all look at to remember our moments in the past.

Being able to see these pictures with Shuichi is always able to just make me feel a certain way. He is here with me even though in this moment I am remembering him when we were in that moment together. It's odd, but a good feeling. A warm feeling in your chest that you want to relish in for ages, but as stated before it's only a memory. A moment in time that passes as time moves on, but that doesn't prevent us from remembering it.

Resting my head on Shuichi's shoulder and moving to scoot my chair as close as I could to his own was a silent moment between us. His head laid against my own, showing me how he wanted me to do that, as well as how he wants to feel close to me. One from the memories we both were going through as well as being physically close to me.

"Oh Shumai~ I looooovveee yoooouuu~" I cooed in his ear, making him blush. I smirked a bit at this and dramatically slouched against him. "K....Koki," He whispered. I could tell he was flustered, but his voice seemed more--teary-eyed.

"Shumai?" I asked, pulling back to see tears streaming down his face. "Shuichi! Are you okay? Did I take my teasing too far-" He cut me off by smiling and moving his hand to wipe his tears.

"No no, these are happy tears!" His smile was calming, but the tears reminded me of the times I have made him cry in the past. Regardless I'm glad he was happy instead of sad--or so he says. "Well if they are that's okay~ But I think you need blankie cuddles~" I whispered, moving my lips closer to his ear. His ears became red as I moved to plant a kiss on his shoulder.

"Ah, I'm alright," He said, already flustered. "No~ it's the weekend so blankie cuddles! I know my Shushu loves them~," His face answered my question of if he wanted them. A deep red came to his cheeks as he turned his head to the side. He looked so cute by the way he covered his eyes with his hair and how his eyes would do the one eyebrow up and one eyebrow down with his lid halfway closed. It was perfect.

"Well~ now that that's out of the way!" I moved to stand up after planting a brief kiss on his cheek. "I'll get your blankie~" I whispered the last bit because I know he still gets embarrassed about it. I have hundreds of photos of Shuichi with his blankie as well as just him being the adorable boy he is.

After I got his blankie I moved back over to him and pulled him over to the floor in front of the couch. "You sit here, and I'll sit here~" I smirked a bit and he was obedient and did as I said. "Aww, thank you Shumai~ Now you get the blankie wrapped around your shoulders," I said, moving my arms to wrap the blankie around his shoulders before slowly letting my hands rest on his chest.

I moved my hands to move the blanket over his head. I let my head move closer so I was almost grazing his lips with mine. "So Shumai~ Do you want anything more special~?" I cooed a bit letting my breath hit his lips. He blushed a lot before he hid his face again.

"Don't hide your pretty face~," I said, moving my hands to hold his cheeks so I could look at him. "What do you want-"

Before I could finish his innocent look soon turned to a confident and annoyed one. He pressed his lips against my own and I just let out a small laugh before I kissed him back. I smiled against his lips as I could tell that confidence he had soon faded as he became shy--again. I wish he would be more confident, but I know he tends to be shyer because of his dumbass parents and even what happened with Kaede...well at the party all that time ago.

I moved my lips away from his to see his blushing face and his eyes slowly open. "So you wanted a kiss huh? So boring~" I teased while he got more flustered and moved his blanket over his head to hide his face. "Oh, Shuichi~" I smiled, moving the blanket up just enough to be able to kiss him again.

"I love the memories I have with you," Shuichi gasped a bit after I moved back from me. "So cheesy," I smiled and moved my hand to tuck his hair behind his ear.

"But I love my cute Shumai who loves blankie cuddles~!"

"Stop calling it that-"


"Kaede, I need to speak with you." My father spoke from the kitchen. I felt nervous already. Did he notice that I have been making friends and being happy...I know that wouldn't make him super happy. He wants me to be more serious about everything.

"Yes sir?" I asked moving into the kitchen. My heart dropped right when I saw my mother and father standing next to each other.

"What is the meaning of this?" He held up my report card. I forgot about that...I feel like I have been doing better since I have been having friends. Isn't that what they wanted?

"I have been working harder to get better grades," I said, trying to keep my tone calm. The last thing I would want is to escalate this.

"But that's not who you are." My mother spat. I flinched at her tone.

'Here we go again.'

The Lies That Cover The Truth [Oumasai/Saiouma]Where stories live. Discover now