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Michael POV

3 Years Later

Like Jada, her wig was sharp and sporty, that was shorty

Safe as a snake on eggs in a Beamer 840

It's foggy, I went to the crib to call her but she lost me

My baby mamma beeped seven o'clock it's gonna cost me

But I still wanna cut her though, maybe she had to work

I caught her in the mall, wearing a real tight skirt

She was, fine as fuck, I wanted to sex the ho up

She said, "Let's hit the parking lot so I can sick your duck"

I said, "Cool, I really wanted to cut you but this'll do

I gotta pick up my daughter plus my baby mamma beeped me too"

She said she understood then everything was kosher

I gave her a Lil' Will CD, and a fuckin poster, it's like that now...

I listen to the music as the bullets rang out from my gun hitting my target... the head. Ever since they raided my place thanks to Kevin who is still a dead man walking. I had to move to my backup house. Ace did a little digging and found that some of the men that worked for the cops followed and tried to set me up again. But this time I had the upper hand and took them out. I even made it my business to taunt the police and the media by posting their demise from my hand so everyone could see what it looks like when you cross me. I got the reaction I wanted, I thought about Zaya from time to time but business comes first. I do miss her, she was the only thing that made my dark world not seem so nauseating and she was also the one thing I looked forward to when I got home. She brought normalcy and balance to my life and I miss her terribly. As of lately, I have been laying low with the gang for the past two months but I will make my return in a big way.

"Hey, man, where did you go? We ain't seen you in a week." Ace asked without never taking his eyes off the game, I just sighed and kept walking until I got into my room. Once the door was closed and locked, I made my way to the closet and opened a secret doorway, and pulled out a brown box up at first glance. It looked like an ordinary box, but it's a treasure box. After opening it, I pulled out pictures of Zaya that I would secretly take of her. It always brought a smile to my face, I wonder if she's okay? I took out my phone about to text her but wondered if her number was the same. Probably not so I put the box back in place and made my way back down stairs.

"Ay, man get me that moken troll... the fuck I tell you bout changing the channel?"

"Boi you was sleep"

"Don't mean I can't hear."

I hear Ace and Ray argue, I thought about giving Zaya a ring again but if that's not her number imma be pissed. But then I thought about Iris.


"Yes Boss?"

"How's your sister?"

"Fine why... you're trying to find Zy aren't you?"

"If I am?"

"Blu, why would you go looking for her? Everyone knows she'll turn you in or get you killed? Me personally, I think she was working with the cops. Hell I'm shocked that you didn't have her killed. Another guy chimed in and the room fell silent, I turned to the man.

"This is coming from the same man that was blindly in love with my rival's girl. You were literally giving info for exchange for sex and attention. So the question is why haven't I killed yo dumb black ass?"

"It wasn't like that man- I mean boss she was beautiful she was a dead ringer for Jasmine Guy-"

"Yep, and we all know what happens to her character in Harlem Nights." Ace acted like he's pulling the trigger. "Wait, didn't you have to off her because of your actions?"

"Man you should have sat this one out they on yo ass." One of the other guys chime in as everyone all laughed except me, I was hot thinking about it all over again.

"Boos- look man I said I was sorry-"

"Ay, Louis who's next Sunshine?!" They all crack up again but this time I had to laugh myself that was pretty funny.


Blu can say what he wants. He loves that girl and we all know bout it and most of all he can't even hide. He never could.


"Ay man I'm finna-" I stopped and looked at Blu who was just sitting there lookin ahead not sayin a word, he's been like this for about four months. That's all he do, I kind of feel for him and I have to admit they both complimented each other. She made my boi happy and he is owed that... Now that I think about it she damn near spoiled him. With the home cooked meals asking how his day was. And in turn he did the same thing everything about him changed for the better. I knew on that night he wasn't gonna hurt her in any shape or form. I took one last look at him as he just sipped his orange juice with a blanket and pillow looking up at the night stars. I closed the door to his room Even though She and I never met her face to face. I could tell she's the one to make him happy and if I'm not mistaken he makes her happy too or at least comfortable.

⌛️Flashback Ended⌛️

"Hey, can you give me a lift? My girl acting funny and not wanna pick a brother up you know." One of the members asked, I nodded my head unlocking the passenger side door we both got in and I began to drive down the highway. From the jump this dude seemed a little off. I told Blu something bout this dude here was wrong but he paid me no mind. Homeboi kept looking out the rear view mirror and fidgeting with something in his pocket. If this motherfucker tries anything with me so help him God. Just like that this idiot throws a white substance in the air blinding me and grabs the steering wheel flipping my BMW M2. As the car flipped over my life flashed before my eyes so many happy moments and some devastating ones but I regret nothing and that's on my mom. I just hope the Lord understands.

"Ace... Ace get up man I know you're still there get up." I heard Blu- or maybe it Ray, I slowly opened my eyes to bright white light. I then looked to my left to see Brayden.

"The fuck happend?" Then everything came back to me, even the pain. My body feels like it's in the middle of purgatory and Hell. "Where that bitch at?" At that point I was just gonna have to suck it up. I wanted that little shit to die at my own hand.

"Say man calm down Blu's taking care of it. Adien with him too." Brayden said, pushing me back down on the bed.

"Okay" I said, sucking my teeth and nodding my head. "Then wheel me in there then I got something off my chest the motherfucker gon here from me one way or another." Brayden rolled his eyes and got the wheelchair, helped me to get in the chair and wheel me into the room where they. There was nothing but blood and Blu his once white shirt was now the color of carmine.

"Where the fuck it's the weasel?" Blu demanded while holding his pinky finger in one hand and scissors the other.

"I would rather die."

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