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2 Weeks Later

Monroe POV

I sit looking at my wife's dead body, wanting to cry but can't... I can't. Everyone has left and gone back to their lives. My very last moment of her was her backside walking away from me. I should have stopped her. I mean, I loved her in my own way, and the one person who I could depend on is sleeping with the enemy. The fuck is wrong with her how could she betray me like that.

"Baby, it's time to go, you've sat here long enough she's not coming back," Tracy said, pulling me from my chair. I know she means well, but now is not the time to tell me things like this. I took one last look, then walked away.

Zaya POV

"I never thought he would leave."


"What I'm just sayin he's just putting on a show. Oh, the broken-hearted captain of the police lost his wife. To pointless violence just senseless, so young, so beautiful, so tragic, blase, blase. The public will say, not knowing that she has been grooming girls, placing them in dangerous situations for years. But of course, as we all know all you have to do in America is look good, have money, and do a few charities and all will be forgiven or no mention of your transgressions at all." He said nonchalantly, never taking his eyes off the two walked to their car. "Come on, it's time for our tasting, aren't you excited!?"

"Yeah, I just-"

"What did I tell you about wasting your sympathy?"

"I can't help it that I have a heart and soul"

"And I don't?"

"I didn't say that."

"Hmm... Technically you did."

"Let's go, I never met someone in my whole life that has to be right all the time."

"Awe love you too, Dove."

Monroe POV

I walked into what used to be our home to now just my home. I would say I'm happy but I haven't been happy in a while. I kept wanting to be free from this woman and now that I am; I feel... fucking great. I am finally free from this woman and I can finally be with my Tracy. Sure havin Rhea around was fun and all but Tracy is that glue that had me together. But I do want to know who did it? I wondered, then my thoughts drifted off to Zaya and Blu. I'm disappointed in her. I would expect her to end up with a doctor or banker, not a damn fool. But that will change if she's still sensible. I just need to get her alone, but how?

Michael POV

"I think we should move." I look around the room. She looks from her laptop to me.

"Again Mich... no we need to stay put I love this house."

"Yea... I do too, but we can do better!"


"Okay, okay dang can't be great for nothing." I look around the room now, wanting to change the colors. "Let's change the colors at least- hold on, why am I suggesting all the changes isn't it usually the woman who wants to change everything? This doesn't feel right."

"I'm not following?!"

"Y'all like changing everything."

"That's not true in everyone's case."

"Well, at least did you like the food from the caterers?"

"Yes, baby I did. But I don't want cheese/crackers or seafood bars either. I blew out a sigh of relief. I thought she was gonna take my candy bar for a second. I thought I was about to go to war. She said still having her eyes on her laptop. "I think a donut bar is cool." She said, without looking at me. A donut bar really... well, whatever she wants she gets.

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