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Zaya POV

I immediately thought about the car situation and how he was outside of my house. I looked out of the window to see if he was outside and he wasn't. The wheels in my head begin to spin, wondering what he meant by. You asked for it. What did I ask for from him besides nothing? If it's the gifts, I would be glad to give them all back to him plus with interest... no, no, no x out the interest part.

"Shit!" I said, looking down at the phone contemplating whether to call him to try to smooth things over. I pressed the dial, it rang twice before he answered it with silents.

"Mr. Blu?"


"You called?" I said, calmly still looking out the window.

"How's your sister?" He asked calmly, inner terror overtook my body but I couldn't let him know that.

"How do you know I have a sister? That could be a friend of mine for all you know."

"Just like you are watching me, I'm watching you. It just so happened I'm better at it. And I know she is not with you" He said, matter of factly with an amusing chuckle. Forget this I'm out, I can't no longer do this my family comes first.

"She's fine why would you ask that?"I walked into her empty bedroom seeing everything is still intact, which means she didn't come home last night.

"What did I tell you about questioning me?"


"I'm talking to you Baby Doll."

"What do you want me to say huh, Blu?" My vocal poker- face was about to break.

"You better have your ass at Ks tonight."

"And if I don't?"

"You heard what I said" He then hung up the phone in my face and I could careless or ever again for that matter. Soon as I get my sister home safe and sound I'm telling Monroe to find someone else because I am done, and I'm telling my sister everything. I thought while calling her for the third time, but thankfully she picked up.

"This better be an emergency" I heard her voice on the other end and a sigh of relief washed over me.

"Where are you?"

"With Halle why?"

"Stay put I'm picking you up?"

"Whatever... Oh, make sure to have a trash can nearby. I'm in the midst of a nasty hangover."

"Ight but you're sitting in the backseat" I hung the phone up and jumped in the car to pick her up. My sister is all I got. I thought. Also I kept checking the phone to see if I had any missed calls and checked to see if he was following me but neither happened. Then my thoughts wander to the whole force, I don't see why Monroe only trusts me. Well it doesn't matter anymore and my cover was already blown so there is no point? I have so many questions but no one wants to answer them.


"HeLlO" I hear Nova groan into the phone

"I'm outside." She said okay and stumbled her way to the car. As she smelled like malt liquor and a good time.

"WhY yO RoLlInG doWN TE WiNDow?" She groans again and I just shook my head.

"Because you smell and we need fresh air"

"You ScREamIng"

"Nov I'm no-"

"ArE TooooOOO" She said kicking the back of my seat and all I could do was sigh.

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