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Zaya POV

I hung up the phone for the eighth time walking up to my house, tryin to get in touch with Blu. "I can't believe this happen, hell I can't believe you... Oh, what the hell am I saying. Innocent people are dead tonight because of you, you must feel really proud of yourself. Lose my number y-y-you homicidal maniac." I angrily spat in the phone as I got ready to, but before I got to the door to unlock it. I looked to see another box, but this time it was white and silver. I looked in disgust as I picked it up and also came with the Hydrangea and African Violet flowers. Just like the flower lady said, I mouthed. I unlocked the door walking and locked it automatically when I got in. Then I sprinted upstairs and jumped in bed.

Hello, Baby doll, I heard you've been snooping around Ms. Mary. So I have to pay her a little visit don't worry honey. She knows better now and let that be a lesson to YOU-

I put the note down and grabbed my phone to call her, but what I got was a disconnect. My eyes widened as my mind raced with horrible thoughts. I jumped off the bed, phone in one hand, and car keys in the other. I rushed to my car only to see all four of my tires slashed. I went from horrifying to blazing mad. My phone sound off, I answered it without looking at the profile.

"WHAT!!!" I yelled hard into the phone.

"Who the hell are you yelling at like that? People are dead tonight...some of your colleagues are dead, some are in comas, What the hell happened?" Monroe spoke calmly over the phone.

"I wasn't getting anywhere with Blu so I thought if I turned it over to Roy I thought we would get some things accomplished but apparently not and he sent another gift and flowers." I hear Monroe sigh and clear his throat. "I was about to go check on the florist but when I got outside all four of my tires were slashed.

"What!!! fuck!" He said moving around doing whatever the hell his.

"What are you doing?"

"Me and my wife are about to pick you up, you are not staying alone in that house. As a matter of fact, don't go back in there until I get there. Where's your sister?"

"With friends."

"Good, we on the way."

"Fine" I hung up the phone sitting on the porch when my phone rang again and like last I didn't check, I just answered it.

"So we name-calling now?" I took the phone off my ear for a second and placed it back up to my ear. "Homicidal maniac, really- "

"You murdered damn near half of the fucking precinct-"

"It was kill or be killed as soon as you left me in that room all by my lonesome. I had no choice, so I put one in him. A warning shot, that is and let that be a warning shot for you as well. Stop leaving me by myself with people who want to hurt me. It's for their safety, not mine."

"Are you done talking yet?"

"Nope, I am not... okay now I am, you may talk."

"Bye Blu-"

"I wouldn't do that if I were you."

"You're crazy get off my phone and get out of my life."

"Again miss thang you when lookin for me first, I wouldn't have known you existed had you just left me alone.''He snickers into the phone just then Monroe and his wife pulled up.

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