35 - Humorous... Or Not

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Rose lips land a chaste kiss on the mirror and its owner skips to her bed and plays an air guitar and screams off-tune: "Aren't you something to admireeee! 🎵" She's on top of the world, over the moon and doing cartwheels in space.

Why? My, thank you for asking. She's grown an inch! AN INCH!!!! This must be the belated g-r-o-w-t-h s-p-u-r-t!! This morning the baby doves woke her (that didn't happen) and the clouds looked like cotton candy (it's about to rain). They were signs of her breakthrough!! She's one step closer to the average height! It all started when she realised her skirt was higher up her thigh. With the hope and longing of both lives, she used the wall ruler behind her closet (out of sight, out of mind...) and washed her face with happy tears.


"YOU'RE RUNNING LATE!" Renka's mum shouts from the kitchen.

*crash* "COMING!!"


"Awwww, we haven't had a student for ages! Senshiro Renka—SwitcHeroo, did I get that right?"

Anticipation bubbling in her, Renka nods, the very image of a chick pecking rice. Decked out in her hero costume in public for the first time (the too-short skirt now a modest length), works wonders in stroking her ego. Henceforth she won't just be 'Senshiro Renka' but the hero trainee SwitcHeroo! This is her first concrete step to becoming a full-fledged hero. Mum, Dad, Brother... I will prevent tragedies like ours!

Cute!! Bubble Girl wants to glomp her but holds back, barely. She's got an image to upkeep.

"Call me Bubble Girl. I work as one of Sir's sidekicks. He told us you were coming." Renka observes the girl with a similar coloration as herself. Bubble Girl's soft skin was a duller shade than Renka's blue hair and her short hair was a shade close to Renka's midnight blue eyes. She seems nice... then again, if you grew up with Katsuki, anyone would be an angel.

Introductions out of the way, Bubble Girl brings Renka around the agency.

"That's the central lift, the emergency exit is down that side. Behind that door with a gothic 'C' is Centipeder's office. Always knock thrice before entering! He frowns upon bad manners. Oh, Centipeder is Sir's other sidekick."

"Is it just the three of you?"

"Sir Nighteye is a one-man army..."

They take the lift up and Renka gives up memorising everything. She's got the entrance and pantry down pat anyway. The rest she'll figure out.

Bubble Girl smiles wryly, pushing down the handle of a walnut door. "Take this advice from a senior. Be on your most humorous behaviour or you'll face a hell worse than death."

Broken from her reverie, Renka asks, "Come again?" Did she hear wrong?

But the door is already swinging open.

"Remember! Channel every fiber of your being and! Be! Funny!


Don't go!! Renka looks like a jilted lover as the door shuts quietly, evidence of its well oiled hinges. A loaded stare points at the back of her head.

Fiore once kept an ant farm and she would study the colony through the transparent acrylic walls. If she was bored, she could shake it or tap the box just to get a rise out of the ants. Had she wanted to wipe them out, all it would take is some water. And... Renka feels like one of those ants now. The bluenette turns gingerly.

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