27 - Pentagon... Or Not

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"I'm STARVED," Renka groans, dragging her feet to the dining hall. Escaping from Itsuka's death-grip glomp, all the while bombarded with insults and narcissism from the Monoma, she's pooped. At least he didn't say anything else about height. Could he have a guilty conscience after all? But some things can never be forgiven! Maybe one day she'll lock Katsuki and him in a room and watch them take each other out with words. Sharp Tongue VS Poison Mouth: The Showdown!

MEH enough of that!

They are given a short, 1-hour lunch break before the finals, and she intends to make very good use of the time. Oh, very good use indeed.

So when the bluenette feels herself being pulled sideways into a warm body after a turn, she's not amused. She grabs hold of the hand holding her arm and almost shoulder tossed the offender until a teen with a pixie cut framing a heart-shaped face steps into view. The loose hoodie hanging off broad shoulders and snug, ripped jeans adding to the androgyny.

"You did splendid up there, my baby's all grown up noooow ˃̣̣̥᷄⌓˂̣̣̥᷅ "

"Fiocchi?! You came? ... Hey, I grew up a long time ago!" Then she does a double take, "Hold up, how did you get in here!" The arena, waiting rooms and so on are restricted areas. Audiences are expected to stay in the seating and booths area. U.A. even got pro heroes just to beef up security for today, so it's really a wonder how Fiore got in.

"I have my ways~✿" The slender girl winks mysteriously. Without warning, pianist-like hands squishes Renka's soft cheeks between them and turns the bluenette's head to the right. "Oh my, isn't that Midoriya and Endeavor's son~? And Bakugou behind them too! Where could they be going? Would it be... a secret tryst!!?" She gasps dramatically, "Aren't you interested? Isn't every cell in your body screaming to tail them?"

"... The only screams I hear are for food," Renka's voice comes out all funny because of the hands on her face. "If they don't get any in the next 5 minutes, I will gladly partake in this," her little canines graze Fiore's wrist playfully.

Pink lightly dust Yumegasaki Fiore's cheeks and she pouts, "You're no fun!" but eventually she caves under her friend's hungry stare. "Fine, fine, it's a loss to the world if my beautiful skin is marred."

"Remind me why we're friends again?"

"Aw, don't be shy ('∀`)♡~ I'm always ready to receive your undying love!"

"Please learn to differentiate dreams and reality," Renka rubs her abused cheeks and asks carefully, "... Why are you so interested in them anyway?"

"How can I not?! 'Tis concerns the well-being of the universe!"

Dark blue eyes silently observe every movement of Fiore's face. The duration between blinks. The dilation of pupils. The flaring of nostrils. Fiore likes her theatrics, but this...

Renka shrugs, "Whatever you say."

"(っ- ‸ – ς) Really, it's your loss! I'm off to catch moi some shu-shu~ OH!! Don't overeat and get a stomachache or throw up like a nervous acapella belle!"

"Just go already!!"

"Hei, hei, I know it's impossible but don't miss me too much ( *゚ з゚ )〴 Addio!"


"Are you sure you're not related to Thirteen-sensei?" Kirishima Eijirou dead-pans at the girl with a growing pile of bowls next to her. Cuz he's willing to bet his bottom dollar that her mouth is connected to a black hole.

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