29 - Gorilla... Or Not

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"The third match: Little Flower Gal versus Sparking Killing Boy!" Present Mic yells.

Maybe learning English from this guy isn't such a good idea.

"I'll lend you my bosom to cry on, Senshiro. 'Cuz this match will probably... be over in an instant!!" The blonde boy declares. Denki isn't underestimating her, having seen what she's capable of in Foundational Hero Studies. He just has a very high estimate of himself... Though it remains to be seen whether it's an over-estimation.

"S'that so," Renka shrugs, unimpressed. "The last time I cried, there was a pacifier in my mouth... And I'm planning to keep it that way!" Blue petals flutter to her. "Switch ON!!"

This is the first time she shouts a move name. It doesn't really help in concentration, unleashing more power or anything, it's purely to hammer her Quirk into the watching scouts. Like "Nth Gear!" or "Requip!" She even makes a show of it; the petals swirl around lean limbs before settling on them like gauntlets and greaves. Maybe these efforts will help with getting better offers for internship? Not that she's keen on joining an agency, but it doesn't hurt to learn from the pros.

"Huu," knees slightly apart, an arm pulled back and the other bent near her waist for balance.

At the same time as a BANG issues from Renka's end of the arena, Denki unleashes the attack used during the cavalry battle to stun the whole field.

"Indiscriminate Shock: 1.3 MILLION VOLTS!"

She has nowhere and no means to escape from this wide range attack, Denki probably thinks. Unfortunately, something that could be evaded once, could certainly be evaded twice. Much less a move she's seen before and thus expected.

When the light from Denki's electricity dwindles out, Present Mic's voice blares from the sound system, "It was decided in an instant! In case you didn't hear me, AN INSTANT!" The words reversing to bite Denki in the ass.

"Ehew," Renka drops the huge rock in her arms. It doesn't have a use now.

Against the wall, very much passed the arena boundary, is Denki with a derpy face. And this time it wasn't caused by short-circuiting his own brain.

"Why... the face..." are his last words as a bucket-sized rock falls from his front and he collapses on top of it.

On the stands, Minoru points a shaky digit at Renka, "She's a gorilla, I say!! A gorilla!"

The grapehead's claim isn't completely without reason.

Debris from the ground Renka stamped with a foot had blocked most of Denki's attack, the remaining electricity stunning her for a few seconds tops. She then picked a particularly large rock from the broken chunks and sent it flying at Denki. From the looks of it, she was going to toss a second if the first didn't hit. Fortunately for her, it went straight on course and knocked him out even when he put up his hands to resist it.

"That's not very nice," Momo frowns, fingers that were clasped on her lap moving to her shapely hips. She's always ready to defend her friend.

Shouto, who made it back after his match, nods. "At least call her a bear." Storing food and hibernating... yes, it's perfect.

"... What's the difference?" Kyouka deadpans. Boys are weird!

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