20 - Detention... Or Not [2]

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In contrast to the blistering heat outside, the temperature of the metallic chairs seeps through the fabric of their clothes, leaving an unpleasant chill.

"I called it training but it also serves as a test. If you can't reach a level I'm satisfied with, out the school you go."

"Yes, sensei."

Under his bandages, Aizawa's eyebrows shoot up a fifth of an inch at the quick and fuss-free acceptance. He expected a lot more resistance.

"I thought it was normal, until I asked around."

All Hero Course students, recommended or not, had to undergo a test. One that many had failed at. One that she never took. Hitoshi's words, his not-so-hidden envy at the Hero Course students and desperation to be a hero are embedded deep in her mind. It hit home again. What being in Class A, one of the only 2 Hero Course classes in U.A for the first years, represents.

"I want to be in U.A., Class A, fair and square." Before, she planned to apply to Shiketsu should U.A. reject her. Unlike Izuku and Katsuki who wanted to join their idol's alma mater and graduate from the number 1 hero high school, Renka didn't care about the journey, only about the results. However, her time here changed everything. This is the only school for her now. "I don't want to be told I don't deserve my spot."

Confidence is good... Unless it's unfounded. Aizawa folds his arms, his indolent eyes brightening as though they're coming to life. "First off, tell me everything about your Quirk."


Although Aizawa doesn't have idealistic sentiments like 'no Quirk is useless!', he believes that everything has potential. Take for example Space Hero Thirteen's Black Hole. A Quirk too extreme for daily life and too unsparing for the typical combat hero. A Quirk which only use is seemingly mass destruction... happens to be perfect for wreckage removal, as it not only allows him to suck in debris, but also to break them down to the atomic level. Which makes him the superior, ideal and walking version of a compost bin cum vacuum cleaner ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ .

Such potential can only be uncovered through thorough understanding and analysis of one's Quirk. Although he has some idea of her Quirk from the classes and the report on the recent USJ incident, who would understand an ability better than its user? Listening to his student, though, Aizawa once again had his sense of logic challenged.

"That's it?"

Not even heroes tell each other everything about their Quirk. It's like giving away your DNA data or similar intimate information. Besides, surprise is a weapon; who's to say today's friend won't be tomorrow's enemy?

Sure, he wasn't expecting any guts to be spilled today, but wasn't this too tame? While she didn't seem to be withholding information out of distrust, the way she spoke like reciting a textbook was concerning.

If the records are accurate, her father works in the National Quirk Registry, which also covers Quirk analytics when required. After all, what is there to register if you know zilch? It's also to keep things accurate; a countermeasure against fabrication. Anyway, this made him a professional on the study of Quirks. They have a good relationship and he had a hand in her training for years. How could they know so little?

"... Let me get this straight. You can materialise and manipulate lotus petals from your body. The closer they are to a target the better the effect, with the best being direct contact. The effect is stronger when more petals are used. Blue ones place the target in an active state. White ones do the opposite, turning the target to an inactive state."

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