15 - Univer-... Or Not

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This was why they said 'Give me 6 hours to rescue a civilian and I will spend the first 4 hours filling my stomach.' What, no one said that? How about 'All things are ready, if our stomachs be so?' No? A-Anyways, preparation was necessary before any operation. Renka straightened her spine and unzipped a blue duffel bag.

Class 1-A of U.A.'s Hero Department was on a bus, heading towards their menu for the day: off-campus rescue training. The structure of the bus made it such that eight of the hero seedlings were seated in two rows facing each other in the middle of the bus while the remainder were spread among two-seaters and a long row of seats at the back section. They were all clad in their hero costumes, save for Izuku and Renka sporting their gym uniforms.

Izuku's green jumpsuit had been damaged in his battle with Katsuki and Renka was just too shy to wear her costume. She wanted to slam her head against the wall when she first laid eyes on it after opening the number 21 capsule in class. It certainly was cute, but... Mum, what made you think ruffles and a skirt this short was a good idea!! #embarrassingparent

Exclaims and laughter could be heard intermittently, to the point that Renka was surprised Aizawa, seated near the front with the driver, hadn't snapped yet. Looking at her spirited classmates, it was like they forgot all the confusion and panic just the day before.

When Renka had rejoined her classmates after the security breach incident that day, they filled her in about the mad throng they were caught in when the students rushed out of the cafeteria as one upon the alarm. With all the pushing and shouting going on, it was a miracle no one had gotten injured. In the midst of all the disorder, Tenya had apparently blasted himself on top of the exit sign with his Engine Quirk and Ochako's Zero Gravity. Having caught the mob's attention, he assured them that the intruders were just the press and calmed them down.

As expected of their new class rep, eh? Renka turned to look at the depressed Tenya, seated beside Ashido Mina towards the front. That's right. After the students calmed down and returned to class in one piece, with the class' approval, Izuku delegated the seat he barely warmed to Tenya. A witness to the boy's prompt actions outside the cafeteria, Izuku genuinely believed that he would make a better class rep.

As for why the tall boy looked as though his world had ended, let's just say someone got a little too enthusiastic about his new role.

Standing up from her seat at the very back of the bus, Renka hurled a bag of the snacks she always have on hand.

"Catch and share!"

"The fuck?!" Katsuki yelled when a grocery bag suddenly flew over his head. Todoroki Shouto, seated behind him and in front of Renka, didn't even open his eyes, which had been shut ever since the bus started. As for Jirou Kyouka, who was next to Katsuki, she was more put off by his yell than the Unidentified Flying Object. She backed a little from the loudmouth.

"Oof," Izuku caught the bag with practised ease and shot a smile at his childhood friend. He knew she was going to do this based on past experience. "Because snacks are indispensable for field trips!" he remembered her declaring once. She also made it a habit to choose the back seat by the window so she could have most of the row to herself and lean on the window for naps.

Untying the plastic, he saw various snacks such as chocolate nuggets, nougats, gummies, jelly beans, sour patches, biscuit sticks... easy to share and nothing that would produce too much noise or mess. There was even a garbage bag folded neatly to the side. Ever serious about food. He's not that much of a snacks person but... Izuku's eyes widened to an impossible size when he spotted limited edition All Might gum drops in the loot. The company made a special Symbol of Peace version for their anniversary and sold out before he could get his hands on it. Before one could say the 'I' of 'I Am Here!', his hand passed over it and it vanished from the bag.

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