19 - Detention... Or Not

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The students of class 1-A were given a day of rest after the villain attack on USJ but things are back to modus operandi the next day. Renka was trying to hold back her heavy eyelids when the still-injured Aizawa ends morning homeroom with this line: "Senshiro, come to the staff room after school." He briskly stalks out of the room, totally unaware of the chaos he set forth.

"Uak...!!" Renka's face flushes as she accidentally swallowed a gumball she was secretly sucking on. Her body starts to gag in an attempt to dislodge the hard candy from her throat. Noticing her dilemma, and guessing the cause, for they've witnessed her eating in class more than once, the nearby Momo and Shouto take action. Thinking to wash the food down, Momo grabs her bottle while Shouto thought it was safer to get it up and out instead. Before any of the girls can react, his fist lands solidly on Renka's solar plexus and the gumball flies out of her mouth. (Warning: Good kids, don't try this at home.)

"Ouch... T-thanks, Momo-chan and Red Vel—Todoroki-kun. I think I saw my grandma waving at me across the river just now..." That was just a joke; her dad's parents have passed while her mum's estranged from her relatives. Renka doesn't know how either set of her grandparents look like.

Ignoring the pain from her abdomen and throat, she embarrassingly wraps the candy in tissue to dispose later but some of her classmates already saw. One of them being the stocky, bespectacled boy walking to her table imposingly. I sense a lecture coming...

"Senshiro-kun, you shouldn't be eating in class. First of all, it's rude to the teacher..."

"Yes. Indeed. Of course. Most definitely," Renka automatically tunes out Tenya's rebuke, her mind already back to Aizawa's words. She was so shocked at being singled out by Aizawa earlier on that she had choked. I-Is it detention? For sleeping in class? Or eating? But I can't stay awake without eating! Or was it that time when I... Once she starts thinking about it, her list of offenses seem endless. She gulps uneasily.

"Senshiro-kun! Are you listening?"

"Mm. Yeah."

"Good. Now, onto my fourth point—"

"Nuh-huh. You're right."

Iida-kun, I don't think she's listening... Momo facepalms from her seat.


School is over for the day and the teens are discussing the upcoming Sports Festival that Aizawa reminded them of during homeroom. It had been heavily talked about during lunch too, but the students' excitement had clearly not died down. In their anticipation, they didn't notice the crowd that gathered outside their class, until Renka and Ochako opened the door. The last lesson had dragged so Renka's in a rush to meet Aizawa, while Ochako's in a rush because... it's bargain day at the supermarket! Thus they pulled open the sliding door with faces of warriors heading to the front lines.

"WH-WHAT'S GOING ON?!" Ochako's stoic mask immediately slips as her jaw drops at the mob outside their class. Meanwhile, with the word 'detention' in bold, red print swimming in her head, Renka can only see them as vile beings she must defeat before reaching the demon king's castle (staff room). I can't be later than I already am!! Aizawa-sensei will roast me! Her eyes roll around in their sockets, looking for the best route out.

Behind them and also on his way out, Mineta Minoru clutches the straps of his bag uneasily, "What are they here for?" Curiosity, envy, wonder. Those are the emotions on the faces of people staring at them like they are animals in a zoo.

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