21 - Girls' Day Out... Or Not

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A/N: Slices of life before the next big event. Thanks for staying with the story, fam!

The guys pretty much guaranteed an ending will be in the tags. The other candidates are still on the fence so depending on how it goes, more routes or love interests may be added. The road to the route branching will be a slow burn. Comment if there are any you would like to see and they will be taken into consideration!

Psst, Izuku and Renka "sibling"-zoned each other so that ship is never sailing.


Striding across the school grounds are Aizawa Shouta, healed enough that his forehead is visible from the thickly-wrapped bandages, and his student Senshiro Renka. Though it may be more accurate to say Renka is tottering alongside the other, taking five steps for every three of his.

It doesn't help that the teacher had developed a masterful gait. With walking being such a day-to-day activity, simply adopting an optimal pace and shifting the optimal weight between the balls and heels can do wonders. Because every second and joule saved is one more to spend on more meaningful things.

Even his sluggish appearance is well-calculated to make any potential enemy drop their guard... yeah, no. He's just sleep-deprived from the nightly patrols. Golden Week has just ended, and crime rates tend to rise on off days. Between his voluntary trips to school despite the break and the hero work thereafter, the man hasn't been getting much shut-eye.

Anywho, the result is a lithe black cat treading the walkway languidly followed by a blue kitten trying to keep pace.


The duo are reviewing the results of Renka's training when thundering booms drown out their voices. If this isn't U.A., Renka would have thought a runaway bull was charging at them. No, wait, is it one of Lunch-Rush's ingredients...? She's heard the U.A. chef doesn't settle for anything less than fresh.


The voice sounds familiar to them, but it is still too early in the school year to make out their identity with that alone. Before the male (judging from the voice) could finish the word, the duo in front of him turns back in sync.


"What is it?"


Senshiro Renka and Aizawa Shouta briefly exchange a look, followed by an awkward cough from the much shorter of the two.

"Ehem, Iida-kun, who were you looking for?" she wags a thin finger indicating her companion and herself.

Beads of perspiration roll down the stocky boy's face, his normally neat hair mussed by the wind. Like Renka, he's dressed in U.A.'s gym uniform, its cloth just a shade brighter than his hair. The dust clouds in his wake evidence of the rush here, he takes a moment to catch a breath before replying.

"Sen... sei. I have a question about the Sports Festival. Considering the weekend begins tomorrow and I happened to see Aizawa-sensei... Speaking of which, why are you with him, Senshiro-kun?" Odd that the resident troublemaker who gives most teachers a wide berth is strolling around with one.

It takes all she has, and a cursory glance from Aizawa, to stop herself from raving right here and now. More than a week had passed since their wager and Renka is now more assured than ever of her abilities. Momo-chan, Bakagou, Red Velvet? BWAHAHAHA! Who will come out top in the U.A. Sports Festival, one of the hottest events in Japan, still remains to be seen!

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