13 - Class Rep... Or Not

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"Please stay with me forever!"
"I promise to treat you well!"

Midoriya Izuku enters 1-A only to find his childhood friend clinging onto the flustered Yaoyorozu Momo with a look of adoration. To one side, Mineta Minoru is muttering something about lilies as he stares enviously at the well-endowed girl's soft mounds coming into contact with the shorter girl's head. Umm... Izuku inwardly sweatdrops before approaching them hesitantly.

"I don't know what's going on but Yaoyorozu-san looks uncomfortable so let her go, Ren-chan."

"Ah, you!"

Right after his childhood friend jumps away from Momo, he finds her turning his arm left and right. Meanwhile, Yaoyorozu materialises cooling gel pads for her flushed face. What was that!! The blue-haired girl's sudden words were too much for the sheltered young miss.

"It looks fine but..."

Renka's brows scrunch as she checks Izuku's limb for injuries. Although Recovery Girl had done a great job as usual, there's really nothing to commend about getting hurt regularly. She recalls what she saw in the dream yesterday and Momo's description of Izuku's destroyed arm after the fight with Katsuki yesterday.

"What I did I say about getting injured, hm?" Her expression is replaced by a terrifying one like that of a hannya mask as her grip on the boy's arm tightens.

"Ow, ow!"

"You felt that? Good. Know that every time you get hurt, those who care about you hurt too! Inko, my mum and I are really worried about you!"

"Ren-chan..." Izuku looks at the floor in guilt. However, his tone is firm when he continues: "I'm not strong enough yet so I can't promise that I won't get injured again. I don't know what I'll face in the future so I can't promise not to be reckless. But I can promise to grow as fast as possible so no one will worry about me anymore!"

"Silly boy. We'll never stop worrying and caring for you. Nevertheless... you sure have grown, lil' bro."

The seemingly touching scene was wrecked when the onlookers are treated to the surreal sight of a kid, looking like a middle schooler at most, staring at a boy who looks older than her by years, with a gaze that seem to contain the vicissitudes of life and calling him 'little brother'. Thankfully, a lively girl with a chestnut bob breaks the strange atmosphere.

"You two are siblings? But you have different family names?"

"D-don't ask any further, Uraraka-kun. They must have difficult circumstances..."

"! I see, it must be tough..." Ochako looks at the two with a complicated gaze.

"Uraraka-chan, Iida-kun, it's not what you think!" Izuku cuts in hurriedly. "We're childhood friends without any familial relation at all! Ren-chan's just delusional and obsessed with being everyone's older sis—"

"I think I just heard someone courting his own death..."

"Crap, did I say that out loud?"

"I... zu... chan......"

"Uwah!" Izuku backs away when Renka looks like she wants to snap him into half the way one does a certain chocolate wafer bar. Gimme a breakkkk! Wait, actually, don't!

"First the press, now this? You have too much energy in the morning," the class quietens and disperses to their seats when Aizawa Shouta enters the room. Renka swears he shot a displeased look in her direction as he walks towards the teacher podium. Renka had the inkling it wasn't just about causing a ruckus before class. Did I offend him somehow??

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