23 | pranks and fun

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After numerous attempts at contacting Stephen throughout the day and him ignoring me, my frustration reaches an all-time high when I enter the library in search of a book. I find it on the top of a shelf in one corner and jump up as I try to get my hands on it but my hand doesn't reach.

"You big monster of a shelf!" I grunt, putting my hands on my hips as I look around for a way to reach it.

There is a white stepladder kept nearby and I run towards it just as I spot another student reaching for it. I block his path as I reach for the ladder first and he stops in his tracks.

"Hey! That's cheating," the boy says.

He is about my age with his small face and big, round glass but I don't recall having seen him before.

"What are you? Twelve?" I roll my eyes and the boy huffs before walking away but not before taking his time to show me the finger.

I return his sign before I drag the ladder towards the spot I need it on.

I have no idea why I have been so pissed since morning. I assume it is because of Stephen but other than that, it has been a week since my single status got updated to 'Carter's Girl'.

That's what they are calling me around school after the show Carter put on and since then, Devon Moor has become my mortal enemy along with Brandon and Jamie who throw me dirty glares every time I pass them. After Carter's suspension ended and he returned to school, the whispers stopped instantly and that was the only relief.

I have never imagined what it would be like to be in a relationship but Carter has taught me a lot about its public advantages.

No boys are giving me those nasty stares, Kyle has managed to keep his distance and not bully me, girls want to sit with me in the canteen so that they can hear our 'love story'. This new level of popularity follows me everywhere and the only time it doesn't is when Carter steals my time and we make out in the empty classrooms. We tend to lose track of time when we are in the act. Not my fault exactly. It is Carter who keeps giving me the 'you made me sad' look when I tell him that I have to leave.

The ladder adjusted, I climb its shaking steps, praying to not fall. It creaks underneath me and I close my eyes every time I feel like I am about to fall. When I reach the top, I don't look down as I reach for the book titled History Of Kings, an act that makes me stretch my body which in turn leads to the ladder shaking violently.

I lose my grip as soon as I pull out the book and lose my balance along with my ability to shout for help as I fall with my eyes squeezed shut.

"Got you!"

I open my eyes slowly, my heart thumping fast. I am greeted with Carter's face smiling down at me. I blink and look around only to find myself in his arms. His one hand under my waist and the other under my knees hold me in the air as if I weigh nothing. I quickly put my arms around his neck which brings my face closer to his.

"Thank you," I giggle, placing a kiss on his cheek.

Kissing in the library is strictly prohibited but little does the librarian have any idea that there is an entire corner dedicated as 'Lover's Corner' here and things that happen there are more than just kissing.

"Always a pleasure."

Carter grins as he puts me down. I take a step back from him and look at the floor, searching for the book which I dropped while falling. I find it at the edge of the ladder and Carter picks it for me.

"History Of Kings." He reads the title and then looks at me. "Assignment?"

I nod as he hands the book over to me. I take it and lift my bag from the ground, shoving the book inside.

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